Let Loose

by on 27th Apr 2012

In End Of Nations, even on the brink of apocalypse we seek freedom. Development of Petroglyph Games' free-to-play MMO real-time strategy game has thundered on and we're trying to keep apace once again.

From where we're standing, this game, in development by some old hands from fabled Westwood Studios, sure looks like a contender in the online strategy arena, so to help you catch up with things we bring word of a fresh preview spotted at the Bay Area Arts And Entertainment Blog with some hands-on experience detailed.

Also, if you're looking for Truth and Justice as well as Freedom amidst the chaos, the new Liberation Front trailer will make sure you:

Get familiar with the Liberation Front's Patriot and Spartan Class forces, and watch them in action on the battlefield.

Caught your interest? Participating in the upcoming Beta test should be possible by ambling on over here. We'll try to bring you any major updates as we have them.


End Of Nations Video
