Fetching Combat Droids

by on 26th Feb 2013

Puppygames' machinations have been revealed. After being responsible for the unleashing of digital hits Revenge of the Titans and Droid Assault, things are about to escalate to unprecedented yapping levels with codename Battledroid.

Reason enough to sit and pay attention:

Battledroid is a massively multiplayer asynchronous online war fought over the blasted and war-torn landscapes of Earth in the not entirely distant future a few centuries from now. At war are various ultracorporations (whom we shall call "factions"), who vie for control of territory in order to boost their own manufacturing capabilities. Everybody who is sensible has left for more peaceful pastures in the rest of the Solar System, leaving the wars to be fought by giant armies of autonomous battledroids.

These battledroids are entirely autonomous; there aren't any people nearby to tell them what to do. Once they’re placed, they do what they want to do. Mostly that’s destroying enemy battledroids.
The gameplay consists of designing armies of battledroids and simulating battles against existing deployed armies that already occupy a territory. Really big armies, with hundreds of battledroids on each side.

But it gets better: autonomous is autonomous - you don't actually control the robots. Got it now?

To compute the entirety of what's involved head on over to the creator's blog. There's no imagery yet, but things are pretty well fleshed out with regards to what really matters - the mechanics.

A playable alpha is apparently not that far off, and neither is a Kickstarter for the game. It is also mentioned that an offline mode is planned (random armies on random maps), as are tutorial missions to properly train you, if all goes well.

Let the tail wagging begin!
