Darkly On Approach

by on 22nd Apr 2014

There's always the other side. Two sides to every story, the other face of the coin, a shadow for every light, and so it is that we are called upon to fully embrace a different perspective in 1C Company's upcoming King's Bounty: Dark Side.

Time has come to join the dark side. Take a trip to the other side of Teana, to the part of the world that has yet remained unseen to the royal bounty hunters. For the first time in King's Bounty history by choosing character players not only assign class, they also chose the race of the hero. Orcs are warriors, the Demoness is a paladin and Vampire is a mage.


Fates of the three heroes are sealed. In the depths of the sacral Black Cave, where many centuries ago races of light  imprisoned the Ancient Evil, they exchange vows and antique artifacts. They gather the remains of their armies and begin the great war for survival.  Only together they can stand against the advancing forces of Humans and Elves!

The shady features:

• New companion system (different companions for each character)
• New battle companion
• New units, artifacts and rage abilities
• Over 100 new quests and 15 new locations

This next chapter of the King's Bounty saga is slated to arrive when least expected, under full light, come Summer of 2014.
