A Wondrous Comeback

by on 6th Feb 2013

Dazzling news from the Netherlands! Developers at Triumph Studios have finally officially announced that famed turn-based strategy gaming series Age of Wonders shall have a third instalment this very year.

Age of Wonders 3 marks a modern reimagining of the series, where players join a clash of kings, queens and dark lords for the spoils of an ancient paradise. By introducing unique RPG-inspired classes and specializations, players are able to craft empires of their own design, developing unique strategies and play styles. The world-changing conflict plays out on sweeping landscapes, loaded with mythical locations waiting to be uncovered, conquered and exploited.

Marvel at the features:

• An epic story campaign with two playable factions; Choose the mighty Commonwealth Empire or join the Court of the High Elves, founded after the reunion of the Dark Elves and Wood Elves.
• Explore, expand and exploit a living fantasy world. Discover wondrous locations and gather legendary heroes.
• A brand-new tactical battle system renders each battlefield and siege in great detail; new rules include flanking and a massive set of special unit abilities.
• Develop your domain, with many classes having the ability to change terrain and climates to suit your needs.
• High replay value through random maps, difficulty modes and tools allowing user created content.
• All new 3D graphics that provide a crisper and more detailed overview of the world and battle maps.
• New styles of play are possible with the introduction of RPG style leader classes like warlord, theocrat, rogue and sorcerer, along with a wide selection of specializations.
• Command a variety of races. Pick your starting race and shape your people’s destiny using your leader's unique skills.
• Compete online in extensive multiplayer modes and scenarios.

The game is said to employ simultaneous turn-based mechanics, with a combat auto-resolve option present, and play-by-email multiplayer is in as well.

This title has reportedly been in development since 2010 and estimates point to a late 2013 release! Let not your amazement confound you - learn of it all at the official site.


Age of Wonders 3 Video
