A Matter of Parchments

by on 2nd Nov 2012

We think you should hear more about Scrolls. And while Mojang's new still in-the-making game remains yet in Alpha stage, from what we have been told, thirsting strategy gamers have good reason to expect something challenging and refreshing enough.

From the recent RPS hands-on:

Scrolls isn't about winning another slew of industry awards, revolutionising entertainment or even selling millions of copies. Scrolls is about making a great strategy game out of classic elements, and reinvigorating them with clever rules. So much so that it feels weirdly like a labour of love, or an homage, in certain respects.But let me put it very simply. Do you like card battling or turn-based strategy games? If the answer’s yes, prepare to like Scrolls an awful lot.

Sounds grand to us, and there we learn too, from Lead Designer Jakob Porser, that the game will reach Beta by the end of the year, with purchase made possible as of then.

We're definitely keeping this one on our deck and we'll collect any noveties to report to you as they appear.
