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Ben Ruiz

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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. Hey guys! Ben Ruiz here, the designer/artist of Aztez. I'm so sorry to be so wishy-washy (do people still say wishy-washy?) about the release date but we sincerely don't have one yet. It's just two of us and we still only kind of feel like we're halfway done, hence the ambiguity. But we're rocking it out as hard as we can over here and as soon as we know we will GLADLY share it. And you're certainly willing to try and beat anything out us, but I'm a boxer and Matthew is a competitive Crossfit athlete sooooo...we might pull some hair out or something. Haha! *hides in dumpster* And by the way, we'll be revealing the strategy game half of things very soon!
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