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silencer_pl last won the day on May 29 2022

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About silencer_pl

  • Birthday 08/09/1981

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  1. Speaking of Long War Of The Chosen. Strategy Core assemble:
  2. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1084160/Jagged_Alliance_3/ Add to your wishlists now.
  3. What do you mean odd Zombie? It's Ivan, Fidel and Vicky. Vicky sounds the same, Fidel sounds the same, and Ivan is well Ivan... I also noticed that it's XCOM-ish, and I think it's good idea. Personally if I would to redo JA series I would do it that way but without all those special perks from XCOM(2)
  4. Well THQ Nordic surprised me. Looks solid from what they show.
  5. Well then off to the 75% wait.
  6. Thought so as much. What about bugs? Any game breaking or annoying? CTDs? Stuff like that.
  7. https://store.steampowered.com/app/442810/UFO_Online_Invasion/ Did anyone play this game?
  8. Is it worth the price? Judging by the visuals and the reviews it's a pass.
  9. http://www.ufo2extraterrestrials.com/images/Banner3_releaseDate2.jpg They sure are optimistic in ever releasing this game.
  10. Question about 5. I assume destroy all known alien colonies? So if you go to T'Leth but there are colonies that you don't know about is it fine? Could you provide the edited purchase.dat?
  11. Just do as massive damage as you can. The Vahlen monsters are broken mechanic.
  12. Both, but moslty stealth. I think from blade I only take bladestorm and reaper.
  13. Vs MECs gunners with Bluescreen rounds or emp grenades. With luck they will go disabled, alternatively it will help support for hack. I'm not sure we are talking LW2 specifically, but Mutons you can lock down in LW2 with Shinobi/gunner with combatives - though it's not foolproof plan, but it should work 90% of time. Otherwise in standard campaign - anything that reduces their aim - flashabng, poison rounds, suppression.
  14. At the beginning it's like I have flashbang on every person. It helps vs Sectoids, it helps clear overwatch and it helps with reducing AI accuracy. Until you have some other utilities that help with that and are more deadly. Smoke I use less often since it's only purpose is to help with defence, but when fighting vs snakes or sectoids it doesn't stop vs mind spin or poison spit.
  15. Well your not the only one, I've been crit stabbed, crit shot when the odds where like <10%
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