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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. been playing S2 and now going to start S3, just wondering did they fix the broken ability of medic and engineer? basically , master medic (or soemthing) and master engineer suppose to let you use ALL medical and engineering tool. without the ability, let's face it you will NEVER reach mecdicine or engineering stats of above 100 or even close to it. the ability is broken. after i got them, i still can't use the advanced equipment such as bullet extractor , morphine, first aid box , wire cutter, advanced lock pic etc etc... this basically renders medic and engieer to be almost worthless. any mod or S3 fixed this?
  2. i used my team to attract almost all of the enemy in a all all firefight by the gate. after Kock starts to run (enemy thinned by 1/2) i run my scout in a mad dash along the south wall of the building. my scout is super dex. so very high AP, and good with a sub machine gun, nailed a few guy on the way there, everyturn i killed a soilder on the helipad, while not using all my ap, i get a way from the next soilder oh yeah btw, i don't just use the SMG, my scout is good at tossing grenads (light weight) needless to say it was diff. but i killed all 5 solider in the helipad and kock as well. while rest of my team is still in the front of the house firing away. (my scout is pretty badly hurt after taking out koch) but it was a success.
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