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Azrael Strife

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Azrael Strife last won the day on May 14 2017

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About Azrael Strife

  • Birthday 07/27/1986

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    Montevideo, Uruguay.

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  1. There are some screenshots, oddly enough the geoscape shows Earth, I was expecting something Mercury-er. Anyhow, they don't really look that good, this game looks exactly the same as the first one, which is now about 7 years old already.
  2. I've watched two really good movies lately. First, an oldie but I hadn't seen it before, The Groundhog Day, hillarious comedy, Bill Murray at his best. Today I watched Midnight In Paris, Woody Allen's, really good semi-surreal movie about how every generation thinks the previous generation was so much better, really nice.
  3. *poofs* I've backed this game, the trailer looks superb, it's a metroidvania but you get to play the evil alien lifeform capable of infecting humans, awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP66bmLqRTg
  4. I think I'll most certainly wait until this game is like 5 bucks or something like that, seeing Total Biscuit's review convinced me this is just not worth it. They should have kept the FPS angle and finished that game instead of flushing a half assed mess.
  5. Ugh, I think I'll just skip to the sequel, if there is going to be any, this game was enough of a chore to get through to buy more.
  6. Yeah, SV is right, f*ck this game. That's what you were saying, right? At least that's what you most likely meant. Nevermind
  7. Interesting idea, best of luck! Maybe someone from over here can do a preview later on to help promote the game? notices it's been a really long time since he last read FA, Pete or Slaughter
  8. Heh, I think someone voicing his opinion, and another saying "don't play if you don't like it" is kinda rude. Anyhow, why did you think it was for you? Maybe you thought you were being rude yourself? We can get back on topic, I'm sure I'll find more things I don't like soon. Or remember, seeing as I followed Hobbes advice before he even told me, and uninstalled that thing already. I'm curious, Zombie, did you play it? What did you think, if you did? Are you going to add XCOM to your collection?
  9. Or, just another thought, if you don't agree just go read something else? Geez, you should really learn to respect other people's opinions, some replies have been kinda rude, and I'm doing my best not to sink to that level and reply in the same manner
  10. 1-4 months? I've never seen any movie released here with more than a couple of weeks later than in the US, and that's the least hollywoody ones, movies like The Avengers get released almost at the same time, but obviously you know better of '3rd world' countries than the people that live in them And of course on the internet that's the situation, if you try to give it a few seconds' thought you'll probably understand the reason yourself, I'll try to leave you do it But that's not an universal situation, I'd believe everyone in America grows up knowing America is a continent, just saying. Anyhow, back on topic...
  11. Maybe some day we could get pictures of all your collection put together? I think it'd be a sight to behold to see it all at once I'm thinking of starting a collection myself, but not of a specific game, rather than games that are special to me, or that I consider iconic or important enough; thinking of games like the Ultima series (awesome boxes, too, come with cloth maps, incredible), MOO, X-Com (of course), etc.
  12. Hey Zombie, where do you keep all of your collection? do you have it on display somewhere in your house or just stacked?
  13. How exactly are you doing these modifications? Are you modifying the disassembled exe? Amazing job!
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