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Will Gamersgate's Versions of the Games Solve My Gripes?


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I'm thinking about buying the whole series on Gamersgate. I'm curious if the things that are annoying me about the versions I'm playing will be remedied.


I'm playing an Enemy Unknown Collector's Edition from a old PC Gamer CD and a cracked version of my own original Apocalypse CD on DoxBox. Both on XP.


1. Are the X-Coms on Gamersgate easy, executable files or do you have to go through DOSBox?


2. I grew up playing UFO Defense on DOS installed with 3.5 floppies (just saying that makes me all warm and fuzzy). Each alien had its own, unique death noises. The Cryssalid in particular had this awesome high pitched metallic one. In my version of Enemy Unknown Collectors Edition they mostly all the same lame moan. Since Gamersgate has UFO Defense not EU, does it have the sounds I remember? Some of the music like the mission briefing screens' is also different.


3. Blasterbombs won't go up or down elevators. I assume this is a bug in the Collector's Edition. Is Gamergate's version free of this problem?


4. I've tweaked all the settings, but Apocalypse still lags a little on DosBox. Does Gamergate's versions run smoothly?


Thanks for the replies. Gotta do something while waiting for Full Auto to get off his duff! :)

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1) Dead easy, double click and play for me on Windows 7.


2) I think they have the CE sounds, however someone more experienced will doubtless be able to tell you how to replace the sounds with the old ones.


3) They work fine for me on the Steam version.


4) Runs smoothly for me, again on Windows 7. Only slight annoyance is occasional crashes (and I mean only very occasional - say every 4 hours or so at it's worst). As I got further into the game though I had less crashes until they were eventually a thing of the past. It seemed like the game occasionally wanted to access the CD which obviously isn't there, but then got over it and moved on, so save fairly regularly and you should be fine. Not sure if anyone else came across this issue or figured it out.

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  • 1 year later...

Hmmm, I don't remember the download associated with the link BB provided anymore, but I think it was the Voices Patch. (There's a number of voice patches in out Mods section, one of those would be the one you are looking for - I just linked to the latest one). Hope that helps. :)


- Zombie

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