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aftershock ingame text bug


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hey all long time lurker here (5 years)


I've had this problem with aftershock recently that the text has become skewed in the battlescape, you can see in the screenshot that the names in the main part of the battlescape are way over to the left of the characters, and in the character portraits at the bottom of the screen the text is off centre.


I've played aftershock over the years with many graphics card but this bug has only popped up since I installed an ATI HD3850 AGP 512 a few months ago, the card needs special drivers because its AGP and the regular catalyst does not support the card


I've had other problems with aftershock too such as refresh rate problems where if you mess with the refresh rate too much by chaning it around (70hz, 72hz, 75hz should all be supported) the my monitors go dead and I need to restart the PC, gave me a fright at first thought it fried my graphics card


anyone have any ideas about how to fix this? would it have something to do with vsync or refresh rates?



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Even though your card or monitor may be able to handle all those refresh rates, the game might not. Have you tried the usual 60hz setting to see if that makes a difference? ;)


Welcome, by the way. :oh:


- Zombie

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I'll try old VA mode see if that helps, I'll have to reinstall it later on tho, as for running at 60hz, the game has options of 60, 70, 72 and even up to 100hz and I know my graphics card and monitor support 70 and 72 no problem, 60hz hurts my eyes


edit: VA mode fixed it booya, what is VA mode incidentally?

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