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Apoc Steam Graphic Problem


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I purchased the complete series from Steam and gladly played through UFO and TFTD. I started to play APOC today but I am having some minor graphics problems. The txt in game is unreadable. It appears to be red and green/yellow. Im running Vista and have tried Adjusting my screen resolution but even if the game gets to full screen the text is still jacked. Suggestion? Thanks alot.
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Ill try that now and let you know. Thanks


Windows updater is running thats it. The main title screen looks pristine for a moment then theres a flash and it gets crazy. Rest of game is fine just txt graphics and some weird pixels during the loading screen.

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Hmmm. Have you mucked around with the DOSBox config file? Not saying that is the cause, but it's worth a shot looking at it. Do you have the latest driver installed for your video card? Did you change any system settings related to video lately? I'm thinking that your monitor still isn't set up properly. :oh:


- Zombie

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Hmmm. Have you mucked around with the DOSBox config file? Not saying that is the cause, but it's worth a shot looking at it. Do you have the latest driver installed for your video card? Did you change any system settings related to video lately? I'm thinking that your monitor still isn't set up properly. :oh:


- Zombie

Im not talented enough to mess with DOSbox. Running on a laptop so I have onboard video Ill check the drivers on it.
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Have you tried turning off direct draw or disabling your video card? That's about all I can think of at the moment. ;)


- Zombie


Well, I ALT+TAB'd out of the game to order a pizza. When i returned it was in a smaller window on the desktop and had no graphical issues. So I guess that I can trade size for quality. Thanks for your help and patience Zombie. :oh:

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