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CD Scratched for TFTD, need copy of data1.cab


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I'm a big fan of Enemy Unknown and I keep coming back to play it so I never saw fit to uninstall it from my computer, I mean at just a few megabytes why would you. But in my madness I did remove TFTD because I never really got into it and now I seriously regret it as I have a scratch on the installation CD like a miniature grand canyon, and I really want to play it. All the files on the CD are ok except for the most important one, data1.cab. I was hoping that you guys could help me out with a copy of the file or point me to where I can get it. Any help is much appreciated.
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Sorry, we can't supply you with the file since it may get us in trouble with the current right-holder of the series (Take-Two).


I have fixed badly scratched CD's before, but it takes some time. As long as the shiny data layer isn't scratched, a disc can be repaired to run again. Look around in a local electronics store to see if they have any products which work. Failing this, you could always go to Gamer's Gate and download TFTD for $4.99. Or get the Complete Pack (EU, TFTD, Apoc, Interceptor and Enforcer) for $14.95. :P


- Zombie

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It's also sometimes workth trying a different PC or just copying that file to your PC directly - different drives have different levels of success with my DVD's anyway when they get scratched.
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Cool thanks guys, didn't think about copyright issues. Sorry bout that. Thanks for both replies. I'll try a couple of different drives first and see if I have any success, then I'll try those cd patches. Failing that $4.99 doesn't sound bad. I have the others already and they work fine. Will let ye know, and thanks for the links too
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