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Dissolution of Xcom


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In July 2040 I end the month with 11000+ points and plenty of money, yet at the end of month funding screen I get the Xcom gets dissolved message, with my positive score plainly visible. It goes "Excellent work! Unfortunately we've decided to disband Xcom." I've reloaded earlier saves, sold everything so as to have a lot of money so bankruptcy isn't an option, and still I get disbanded. I'm playing superhuman on v1 of dos TFTD. I was just wondering if anyone else knew why this happened, or a possible fix, as I would like to finish my superhuman game. Please help!
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First of all, welcome to the forum! :)


Could you please tell us what your funds and score were like the previous month? Also, it would be helpful to hear how much money you have on hand at the moment. Did you go to a lot of missions in your month to have your score 11000+? If you just went to a normal amount, this might be a case of data corruption. ;)


- Zombie

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The previous month I had 2000 points and about 6 million dollars at the end, and this month I had around 14 million. I've knocked over 3 colonies this month and I went to an artefact site on the first, each worth around 2000 points apiece I'd say. Just when I thought I'd gotten the knack of superhuman, too. https://www.filebucket.net/pthumbs/large/1826/geoscape_001.png
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Well, I'm stumped. Score doesn't seem to be the problem and neither does funds. There are only a limited number of events which would end the game, so what's going on with your bases? Are they all still there? If you don't have any bases, that would end the game too, but I suspect that isn't the problem here. ;)


In any case, I moved this topic to the X-COM Support forum. If it's possible, could you attach your saved game? I'd like to take a look at it to see what the issue is. :)


- Zombie

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How many countries have sided with the aliens already? It could be a case of that it's down to one country, and at the end of the month, they sided with the aliens, and that's that. Though I thought it would normally tell you that the last country had fallen. ;)
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You can't lose the game because of all the countries turning. I edited the game one time so that everyone was mad at me and the game didn't end. In fact, if you play normally, all the countries don't all turn. Russia is always the lone holdout which I have found out through extensive tests. ;)


- Zombie

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Well, this is what I found out. First of all, I noticed you have some .bak files in your saved game. What editor are you using?


Secondly (and this is where the crux of the problem mostly lies), take a look at your maintenance costs:




The graph seems to be going into the negatives (possibly from use of the editor for adding all those extra bases). Not sure if it can be repaired short of removing the bases, but I was able to salvage the game by doing nothing for the rest of the month sans winning the base defense mission (with only 1 Aquanaut and a few Sonic Pulsers, mind you). ;)


- Zombie

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  • 2 weeks later...
Was the part about the sonic pulsars and one aquanaut a passive aggressive attack on my playing ability, considering I cheated occasionally? lol But that's weird I never did anything with maintenance costs. I used the editor sweet known as tftdeditor from this website. Oh well, this is a moot point since I finally got xcomutil to work with my original floppy disk copy of XCOM UFO defence. Alas, my tftd game stands collecting electronic dust. Why didn't you use MC to defend the base? Once I got my hands on that, I didn't need to boost my soldiers stats anymore haha
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Was the part about the sonic pulsars and one aquanaut a passive aggressive attack on my playing ability, considering I cheated occasionally? lol But that's weird I never did anything with maintenance costs.

Nope, no attacks on your playing ability were intended. Just saying, that's all I had to work with. The DPL showed up in the equip screen, but obviously, you can't use that out of water. ;)


You didn't have to do anything with maintenance costs... if you built all those extra bases with the editor, that would explain the sudden drain on your funds as maintenance on those facilities can eat up a lot of cash.


Why didn't you use MC to defend the base? Once I got my hands on that, I didn't need to boost my soldiers stats anymore haha

I used it a little. But the lone soldier wasn't too proficient in MC so I decided to fight it out the normal way. Those Bio-Drones are tough little critters to crack. :)


- Zombie

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  • 1 year later...

I wonder if this is the same problem I posted about in December: I was doing wonderfully and was told I was doing an "excellent" job, but XCOM was shut down. Turned out I was too heavily in debt. $14 million is not that much. Maintenance costs and salaries are deducted at the end of the year and can easily exceed that amount.


If you don't believe me, use a utility like TFTD HACK to change the amount of money you have.

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