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An XcomUtil game with a slow timer?


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Anyone know how to get a Util-modded game to run with a normal-speed clock (ie: not really friggin quick)?


I've installed both xcomutil, and Moks patch, but they don't want to work together. I can either have a really fast util game, or a vanilla normal-speed one.



Now, I know it is possible to get both desired effects, since I did it before (before my pc died and had to be replaced, that is).

Only problem is, it happened pretty much by accident, and I'm damned if I can replicate the procedure.


Any ideas?

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Install this package to your game directory and delete "patch.dll".


Aah, that did it.

And I even get smoothed-out graphics, too. Nice.


Cheers BB!





It all goes wrong as soon as I install custom uniforms. It works fine with yours, BB, but as soon as I install Bagirovs custom camo, it goes a bit wrong. Specifically, as soon as I land to start a mission, it crashes out, eventually either returning me to the geoscape along with an Alien Corpse bug, or trapping me in an ifinite loop of failure menus.



Hmm, and if I set the config to use BB's uniforms, it works again. Peculiar.


On my old pc, I had installed the mod, set it to only use Bagirovs camo for the kevlar troops, and it worked fine.

Now, not so much.

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oh, and incidentally.....while I'm getting all confused as to whether this mixture of mods is working right or not, can anyone point out which sound effects are the original dos ones, and which are the (apparently) inferior CE ones?


Up until now, I've assumed I've been playing with the better original ones, but my current version has the other sound set (either the sound patch is conflicting with something else, or it's actually working for the first time).


Let's take the sectoid as an example: In one case, his death scream is fairly high-pitched, and a little raspy. In the other case, it's low, bassy, and sounds vaguely muffled.


So which is which?



.....looks like the sounds I have (low groan) are the crap ones. Which means the sound patch hasn't taken, either. Don't bloody like to work together, these mods, do they? :)

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i was able to install this with the uniform mod without any problems. did you put the files from Mok's sounds into bb_tact, and the .exe files into the main directory? make sure that when you installed the uniforms mod that you didn't overwrite the six files in bb_tact from Mok's mod.


my problem is this, though. the graphics filter is cool, but it makes the game runs like poop. i had everything going smoothly without it. is there any way to have the graphic filter and to have the game run properly? alternatively, is there any way to use the sounds in Mok's mod without the graphics filter?

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Yeah, all the files are intact and in their proper locations. Far as I can tell, BB's mod is having specific issues with Bagirovs camo. For a brief moment I saw its dos window refer to the jungle set, then decide to "use default instead". No idea why the new sounds aren't taking, though.


Nor do I know what to suggest to you, IY. Sure someone more knowledgeable will turn up, though.

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Mok's sound mod uses BB_Tact? :) That's news to me. I'm thinking you've got it confused with my mod.


Note that the version I linked only includes his new executable, not the sounds. You can get those here (note that it's a two part archive).


Anyway, if I was to guess what was wrong with the uniform mod, I'd say the new uniforms you installed are in directories with names of more then eight characters. No spaces allowed, either. Technically, that shouldn't make it crash... But check that out and see if it helps.

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Nah, the 2xSaI_EXE mod has a couple of extra files for bbtact. Which I've left be for the moment.

And editing the folder names to under 8 letters was the first thing I did (made that mistake on my old pc, duh). Longest only comes in at 6 letters.


Ta for the sound.



oh, and someone in the linked thread asked about the jerkiness in the geoscape (a result of fixing the timer i think). Was this ever resolved?

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Now that I look at it, seems I DID include my EXE splitter with that version of the mod. Kinda redundant, seeing as I also included a split version of the EXE itself... Ah well. BB_Tact is my traditional folder for dumping code, see.


Anyway, check the folder names once more, and that they match up with the config file. If all else fails, zip up your BB_Tact folder and send it to me.


my problem is this, though. the graphics filter is cool, but it makes the game runs like poop. i had everything going smoothly without it. is there any way to have the graphic filter and to have the game run properly? alternatively, is there any way to use the sounds in Mok's mod without the graphics filter?

Just install the sound pack I linked without the new executable. It seems that EXE relies on processor power to perform the scaling effect, so if that slows things down for you (it does for me!), you'll just have to do without.

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Just install the sound pack I linked without the new executable. It seems that EXE relies on processor power to perform the scaling effect, so if that slows things down for you (it does for me!), you'll just have to do without.


i've tried that before... but whenever i run XCOMUTIL, the sounds revert back to the CE versions. i think it has something to do with the fact that XCOMUTIL splits the .exe. when i put the already split .exe files that come with the graphics filter, i get the old sounds perfectly. is there a way to get a split .exe that works with the dos sounds?

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So you want the sound mod without the graphics scaler, using XcomUtil?


Install the sound mod I linked to, delete Geoscape.exe and Tactical.exe, and re-run XcomUtil's setup.


If for some reason that doesn't work, my EXE splitter should do the job.


@Sgt. Strike: Are you referring to a faster CPU? :)

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Damn, cheers for the assist, bb.

What makes it worse is that I remember changing the file names when I installed on the old pc. Gah, i'm such a dolt!


Just as a point of curiosity, did anyone ever get around to fixing the last few sounds from the sound patch (zombie/snakeman movement sounding like 'splodes, for example)?

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The cpu is fine, what I may need to do is get my desktop up and running, and use my laptop for mostly internet stuff, while using my desktop for games and the rest of the internet. I know I can play the games, just that I can't get past putting in the first base. It's still not letting me put in a name. I'll try something here soon, to see if it will work better.
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bomb bloke,


i removed the old exe files and placed the exe file that comes with the sounds mod in my directory. i used your splitter to make the geoscape and tactical exe files. it worked fine with xcomutil, and the game runs without the graphics filter.


but, the geospace still runs like poop. it's all choppy, not smooth like it was before i installed the sounds mod.


any ideas?

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thanks, that did the trick!


edit: upon further reflection, this leads me to believe that the graphics filter is not to blame for the slow down in the geoscape, but something else in the modded exe that's included in the sounds mod.


would anyone know how to find out what going on? i haven't the slightest idea where to begin....

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Woaaah, back up....


When you say the geoscape is "choppy" are you talking about the 1fps update? I did not realise that could be undone. Excellent! That was getting irritating.


Presumably it wouldn't affect installed mods? Can't think why it would....



If you are talking about the 1fps update, I *think* it's something to do with the timer-speed fix.


Actually....bugger. So removing the exe would speed the clock way up again, then?






Hrmm, can't get that to work for me......I'm thinking of summat else, aren't I?

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there's a speed clock change in the geoscape.exe file?? why? with f0dder's patch, the speed issue is fixed for XP.


here's how i got rid of it:


1. get your original UFO.exe file.

2. split that file using bomb bloke's EXE splitter. the program can be found in the files section. just place in your directory and run the EXEsplit.exe file

3. get the Ufo defense.exe file that comes with the sounds mod.

4. repeat step 2, but with the modded .exe file that comes with the sounds mod.

5. place the geoscape.exe file split from your original UFO.exe and the tactical.exe file split from the modded Ufo defense.exe

6. run xcomutil. the program should recognize the two .exe files and run the game. you'll know you did it right (having the new tactical sounds) because the intro will play without any missing sounds (i.e. the muton commander yell).


i hope that helps.


so is there any way to remove the speed clock change in the modded geoscape.exe file in the sounds mod?

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Best I can make out, f0dder used a different method to slow the geoscape timer then Mok did. That is to say, I believe the "choppyness" is intentional; to allow you to stop the timer exactly when you want to.


Personally I dislike it because I'm not used to it, but I can see the benefit. I'm not sure why you'd want to remove it from the modded GeoScape.Exe file when just using an original version works.

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i guess i just get the feeling that somehow i'm not going to have all the original sounds. i'll have to play a bit more to make sure it worked.


but the other thought i had was that i could have the graphics filter without a slow down in the game.


now that would be awesome.

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Another quick question.....not really related, but I can't be arsed to start another thread.


It's just regarding the ClarkWehyrEnterprises game editor. Seems to be the editor of choice. I want to rearrange my starting base, and the xcomutil alternate base doesn't appear to be taking.


Anyway, when trying to start the editor, the dos window pops up with an error message and quits out. It's only for a split second, so it's hard to be sure what it says......but it appears to be a File Not Found, regarding my game saves, I think.

Anyway, it worked fine on my old pc, and the config file is pointing it toward the right directory, so I'm confused.

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I'm afraid I'm not a great user of editers, but try this anyway:


Goto Start => Run and type "cmd" (or "command", if you're running a 9x version of Windows). You'll get a command prompt window on your screen. If you try and run the editer with this, any error messages should remain in the window once the program "finishes".

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Aha, I wondered how to do that.

Looks like I saw right, anyway.





Now, considering that the savegame itself works ok, and the location has been specified in the config file ok (I just copy/pasted it, so no silly mistake there), I don't see what the problem could be.


Looks like I might have to renovate my starting base the old fashioned, slow, and expensive way. Pah.

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