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X-COM The Movie 2010


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I didn't know quite where to put this but here seems best. :what:


Wow, shiny new Forums! Now all I'll need is a copy of the movie and I'll be happy. I saw a short clip of it one time and it seemed very good... :bleh:


- Zombie

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Yeah, I remember going through quite a bit of trouble getting a download of the original "movie".


Was quite angry and dissapointed that it was not mentioned that the "movie" was in-fact just a tribute to how it wasn't going to be made. (Was also amused at how my review was taken here. XD )


Good luck to you guys. Just this time, at least keep us informed on progress and such. Last time, the off-forum consensus (To some people... About 2-3 years ago, I might add. >_< ) was that the X-COM movie was just a stunt to advertise the John Nebthos band. I am hoping it was not, and still is not, the case.


I did enjoy what few scenes there were, however. I won't be getting my hopes up until I see actual material, though.


EDIT: If I am reading this topic right ( https://www.whoisjohnnebthos.com/newforum/viewtopic.php?t=128 ) the shooting is not even going to start until 2010? Uhm, am I misreading? Please say I am misreading...

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Publicity, of course. I have noticed that the only information on the X-COM movie is the very picture we see right here in this topic. That's it.


Come on guys, this is not funny. Especially if, in joining the forum, it will be years before we see "updates".

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Come on guys, this is not funny. Especially if, in joining the forum, it will be years before we see "updates".


Alright... I'll give you the skinny...


X-COM Movie attempt - 2002


for 2 years it remained unedited...

the footage was about 45 minutes... i

t was enough for a short trailer...


in 2004

gained access to capture said footage... saw how terrible it was and decided to make fun of ourselves


thus "This is X-COM..."


Discovered that our actors had the beginning of improv abilites




JNP|Movies begins... basically Improv movies shot and editing in one night... thats right






A bizarre collection of artists, poets, actors, musicians


JNP|Show = a Showcase concert


we've now done 8 of these shows...




JNP|Show going very strong and we are now making JNP a business...


a publishing house for artists, authors, musicians and filmmakers...


So now were looking at X-COM again....





And we have a battle plan now...


were going to relase one major film a year til 2010...


and to clarify... in 2010... God Willing... Filming will begin for X-COM | Episode I Enemy Unknown


were practicing greenscreening and other digital arts to get our stuff up to par for X-COM the Movie in 2010...


also the plan is to do 3 X-COM movies set in the XCOM1 universe


Episode I - Enemy Unknown

Episode II - Ufo Defense

Episode III - Cydonia or Bust


Now understand... were talking... just a good Indie, low budget scifi film... but just doing enough digital effects to make it look realistic... Another note... All Aliens will be actual plastic suits and other costumes... no cg aliens =]



So thats the skinny...


Yes plz join the forum... you will see updates on these movies and X-COM the movie...





Nebthos Band = DEAD


Its all about the JNP now...


And yes we are promoting that...





But right now I'd like to ask a big question...


We havent contacted infogrames yet, but I'd imagine they will NOT let us do this film... even if we tried to break deal with them...


So with that in mind...


What could be done, to not infringe on copyrights with infogrames?


One thing I've noticed is that names such as sectiods, etherals and heavy plasmas or interceptors isnt copyrighted... just X-COM and its logo...


there might be some creative ways to do an "X-COM" movie without calling it that... cause you could just about use every other name from that universe...



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But right now I'd like to ask a big question...


We havent contacted infogrames yet, but I'd imagine they will NOT let us do this film... even if we tried to break deal with them...


So with that in mind...


What could be done, to not infringe on copyrights with infogrames?


One thing I've noticed is that names such as sectiods, etherals and heavy plasmas or interceptors isnt copyrighted... just X-COM and its logo...


there might be some creative ways to do an "X-COM" movie without calling it that... cause you could just about use every other name from that universe...



Infogrames? lol, the copyrights of X-Com are owned by TakeTwo, iirc.

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Just out of interest pocthesaint, is there any way to get a hold of the larger (or smaller) filesize version of your original X-COM flick? Once folks could no longer download it, everyone was asking us for it (and that's a lot of people :D).


Would you be willing to let us put it up for download or something?


As for the 2010 movie, I wouldn't approach Take2 yet. There are rumours that they've got something in the works now they have the license, so it would probably be best to wait til they've announced something at their end first. Besides, there's a few years left to worry about that :D


Best of luck on the business ventures!

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Do everyone a favor and make it clear on the download that it is not an actual movie. But rather a movie depicting the actors and writers talking about the making of the movie. Before when I downloaded it, I was not warned about this, and when I talked about it here on the board, I got responses along the lines of: "Wait, what? It isn't really a movie?"


I wish I knew where my post on that went...

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Do everyone a favor and make it clear on the download that it is not an actual movie. But rather a movie depicting the actors and writers talking about the making of the movie. Before when I downloaded it, I was not warned about this, and when I talked about it here on the board, I got responses along the lines of: "Wait, what? It isn't really a movie?"


I wish I knew where my post on that went...

Right here. :D


- Zombie

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