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Stop Weapon Degrade


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Hi guys,


Just got back into Silent Storm Sentinels and really loving it again - BUT - I hate the slow degrade of weapons.


I am not a good modder and wondered if anyone knows of a mod to completely stop weapons degrading with use or how i could do this myself?


Appreciate any help or advice.


Would increase my game enjoyment 1000%


Is this an easy thing to do or not?

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Hi guys,


Just got back into Silent Storm Sentinels and really loving it again - BUT - I hate the slow degrade of weapons.


I am not a good modder and wondered if anyone knows of a mod to completely stop weapons degrading with use or how i could do this myself?


Appreciate any help or advice.


Would increase my game enjoyment 1000%


Is this an easy thing to do or not?



When you start a new campain, go to the custom difficulty settings. In here there is a "Weapon Durability effect" option. If you set this to 0 then this will disable this effect. :P

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Thanks for the reply Sorbicol but you can only lower the slider down to 50 (it goes from 50 to 200)


I know this reduces the chance of weapons breaking but it still happens quite often if you ignore there durability.


I want to eliminate the weapon durability completely.


Anyone help?


I have tried using the top engineer with engineering skill well over 100 but he doesn't repair the weapon back to any where near 100% - hate this option in the game.


I end up selling the weapon and buying them back to get it's durability up to 100% again. This wastes loads of money on the top weapons and especially the unique ones.

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Thanks for the reply Sorbicol but you can only lower the slider down to 50 (it goes from 50 to 200)


I know this reduces the chance of weapons breaking but it still happens quite often if you ignore there durability.


I want to eliminate the weapon durability completely.


Anyone help?


I have tried using the top engineer with engineering skill well over 100 but he doesn't repair the weapon back to any where near 100% - hate this option in the game.


I end up selling the weapon and buying them back to get it's durability up to 100% again. This wastes loads of money on the top weapons and especially the unique ones.


You can pay the arms dealer to fix your weapons, click the spanner icon underneath the "shop" screen when you are in buy mode. If you press "Alt" this will display the price to fix each weapon in that character's inventory. It'll fix it to 1 point of its maximum value. This is what I normally do, and to be honest it's only the SMGs and machine guns I need to fix on a regular basis. Normally costs $100-200 buy the time weapons start to jam.


Are you sure the duribility effect only goes down to 50? I'm sure I've set mine to 0 before now :P

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Thanks again Sorbicol - I didn't notice the repair option in buy mode - been such a long time since I played this game.


Yes - the slider only goes down to 50 for weapon durability in the custom difficulty screen - but that shouldn't be a problem now you have pointed out the repair mode in the shop screen.


I even attempted to make my own mod for weapon durability - what a disaster - couldn't even get the stupid Ms sql thingy working - what an odd editor that needs all these stupid steps to get it working.


I can't beleive I am enjoying this classic oldie better then my recently purchased Oblivion.


Thanks again for your help.

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Thanks again Sorbicol - I didn't notice the repair option in buy mode - been such a long time since I played this game.


Yes - the slider only goes down to 50 for weapon durability in the custom difficulty screen - but that shouldn't be a problem now you have pointed out the repair mode in the shop screen.


I even attempted to make my own mod for weapon durability - what a disaster - couldn't even get the stupid Ms sql thingy working - what an odd editor that needs all these stupid steps to get it working.


I can't beleive I am enjoying this classic oldie better then my recently purchased Oblivion.


Thanks again for your help.


I checked last night and your quite correct about the duribility effect slider. Sorry about that, my bad :P


Your more that welcome with the help. I also took a look at moding the game, especially after all the replayability I got out of it when I downloaded Komik's Random Storm mod (Which I can thoroughly recommend!) Took me about 5 minutes to realise that I'll never be able to figure it out!!! :P

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Hey sniggles, you may try this ... if you wish.



This is a easy way. Affects to "game difficulty" settings, so if gamer starts campaign from "custom difficulty" screen - then no edited value effects. Does not work with AddMod program - gamer must start a new campaign.


How to:

Create and open a direct connect to your mod's database (Accees/Blueshell data guy). There open DBDifficultys table and edit the last slot/value called DurabilityCoeff. Chance easy, normal, and hard to zero value - this should remove the decrade effect. Build your mod, add it to the game and start a new campaign on easy, normal or hard difficulty.


You can apply this mod to your custom game with other mods as well - I think ALL existing mods should work with it. Have fun.



Hmm.. on the same time...:

If you wish, you may change the lethality of weapons (increased damage) to make the game more realistic (harder as well). Just increase EnemyDamageMult and OurDamageMult values. There is also some other settings (SavePossibily etc.).


If you increase the damage values and play my RS3 mods with it then you must edit scripts>s3Common.l file. I have idiotically used the function WaitForUnitWaypoint wrongly in my previous mods. It's not a stabile function for my purposes: May cause a crash if gamer 'sent enemies to other dimensions (blown up or without head = Not valid :thinking: ). Change it to this:


function WaitForUnitWaypoint( unit, waypoint, dist )
if(IsValid(unit)) then
	if dist == nil then dist = 0.1 end
	local bd = GetDistance( GetPos(unit), GetWaypointPos(waypoint) )
	while ((IsValid(unit)) and (bd > dist)) do
--			out( dist, " - ", bd )
		bd = GetDistance( GetPos(unit), GetWaypointPos(waypoint) )


Note! If you are going to do this edit with Notepad software then you must close-save the file via right corner x-icon/button.


Hopefully this do what you want (and maybe even more). :eh: Other way (longer) is to edit weapons tables.

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Create and open a direct connect to your mod's database (Accees/Blueshell data guy). There open DBDifficultys

Anather way - set field DurabilityStep of table RPGWeaponTypes to zero for all records in table.

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