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Serious irritation


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Ok, unfortuately I dont have any SS since Im here at work, but let me just ask if anyone else has had strange issues with this map:


You know that mansion map, the one where you are suppose to sneak into the house, go upstairs, and speak to some guy that tells you that Lebadev is actually still in prison? Well I spent way too much time killing all the patroling guards, all while hidden. Then I finally kill the guy under the main stairs, avoid a small rush of guys that come to investigate, come back and some guy is now parked on the stairs, no biggie, Ill kill him! No I wont! The game wont let me kill him without it saying 'mission failed' even though I remain hidden! So I leave that area and try to find another way in (which there isnt), but it turns out that if I hit anyone else on the map, it automatically says 'mission failed'!


The only thing I can think of (besides it being a bug) is that youre not allowed to kill a certian percentage of enemies on the map, but it doesnt say that anywhere! So in the end I had to settle for not accomplishing the 'be stealthy' objective ... oh well I guess, moving right along...

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I only played this mission once, but I remember from the boards here that it is almost impossible to finish this mission with the 'stealth' objective being successful. Search the forum a bit, you'll find your answers.


It's open to discussion whether this is a bug or a feature...

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Even though thats not the answer I was hoping for, it still makes me feel better to know that its not just me... thx.


Yeah this is a bug. If you try to kill any character on the upper floor of the house, before or after the cut scene, the game will fail you as a stealth mission. Nothing you can do about it unfortunately.


For this reason only, the last time I played it I went for a full on assault right from the start. It was extremely gratifying to leave the house a smoking, devestated shell with a host of mutilated bodies behind :eh:



I'm like that sometimes :P

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Quick question:


I found the info last night on how to change the camera angles (more freedom), but unfortunately it was for S2, how do I do it for S3 ?


As far as I know the camera angles for S3 are already wider than in S2. At least I don't remember changing anything in the S3 config file concerning the camera.

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Wow, so theres no way to change it so I can make the camera almost 0 degrees?


Sometimes its hard to tell if an enemy will be able to see you if he moves here type thing, and its quick and easy to just move the camera as a sight line...

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so theres no way to change it so I can make the camera almost 0 degrees?
Add this line to the binds file...


bind eyeview 'F11'


It's like "First person shootout" -view, but you can't move while using it. Useful? Yes, sometimes.


See you.

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