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Player Movies

Stun Grenade

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I've always wanted to see or watch other players play X-COM (mainly you pros out there on the boards). Is there software out there that would allow to capture, say.. 5min of X-COM gameplay and save it in a movie format for us to watch?


Reading tactics isn't the same as watching them IMHO.

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Have you tried Fraps or a similar piece of software?, haven't actually tried it.


I've recorded a lot of Freespace and Freespace 2 using using FRAPS so can vouch for the software. Should work on UFo EU as well since the res is about 640*480 (Shareware Version of FRAPS here :( )


Would love to see some gameplay vids too

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a few recordings via a connection to my tv and DVD. That's how I record most of 'my material' since it doesn't put any extra pressure on my comp. No fancy clips though, just a sort of "This is X-Com". Used it during class last year =)
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