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Custom Dificulty - Bad Guy Level


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One trick I wanted to share - when you start a new game, always use Custom Difficulty. And, when you're adjusting the settings, always set the Enemy XP Level to +3.


By setting this to +3, you vastly increase the amount of experience your characters get when you kill an enemy, and your characters will zoom up in levels, especially early on. Heck there's times when each time you kill an enemy in the 1st few missions, one of your guys will go up a level.


When I finished S2 the 1st time, my guys were ~ lvl 12. I'm not done with S3 yet, and my guys are ~ lvl 24! I'm currently on the mission where I'm attacking Thor's base (but my game's on hold while I mess around with learning to mod the game.)


The downside of this is that the enemy's will be pretty buff. But you can always turn down Enemy VPs & APs in the Difficulty menu if you run into problems. But, I have both Enemy AP & VP set to 100% and it's just about right, in terms of difficulty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the tip for this excellent game.


When i first played it - because i was a novice - I set everything to easy on custom difficulty and I had a really hard time getting any promotions.


Now I know why!



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