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Game problems!


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When I start a mission (eg. UFO Recovery) and choose to move a soldier, as soon as I click the place where I want him/her to go, the screen fills with lots of words and numbers (including "granular error") and after 1 or 2 seconds it takes me to the mission debriefing saying that I have failed to recover the UFO/Destroy the base, etc.


It's really annoying since I can't actually play the game because of this. I'm using Windows 98 Second Edition.

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I've had this problem too, I've tried and tried but I don't think it can be fixed. It is activated by certain events being met. You're probably going to need to start a new game if it happens when you move a unit.


I had a problem with my avenger that whenever I did anything with it the game would crash, it was on a course for a UFO interception so I couldn't stop it from intercepting or it would crash. I eventually had to sell my Avenger.


Maybe it might just involve a certain unit on your game, or maybe a certain piece of equipment? More info would be nice.

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IIRC that's the Green Text bug. I use Windows 98 also and this might sound stupid but when I get that problem I simply get out of the game and shut down the computer. When I restart it the problem is usually gone.


Actually, I'm not sure this is the Green Text bug. The Unofficial Guide says it's caused when saving during interceptions and that the save game is corrupt (e.g. the game crashes again if you try to load that savegame). However when I shut down the computer I can usually reload my last save game and play it with no problems. Either the USG is wrong or I am. :tank:

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That is the so called 'big text bug'. The game's just getting unstable for some reason. Many unknown causes, no definite solutions.


You might want to try deleting the files in the missdat directory. This won't fix the problem, but it will stop the game from grabbing the results from the last mission if it crashes again. It might also clear the problem up on the next mission.



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But it's not triggered by some strange event. It happened in the very first mission of a new game! This is what I did:


- Detected the small UFO.

- Sent an Interceptor to intercept it (redundant! :tank: )

- My craft shots down the UFO and the alien ship crash lands.

- I save the game.

- Send the Skyranger to recover the UFO.

- Once the mission starts, I select one of the nearest soldiers from the ramp.

- I tell him/her to move out of the Skyranger by clicking on a square outside the transport (not far from it).

- The game shows that dreaded GREY big text.

- After .5 or 1 second it takes me to the debriefing screen saying that I have failed the mission.


NOTE: - I'm not using any editors nor cheats.

- It didn't happen in my previous games (I destroyed Cydonia in those games.

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Sometimes when I start a game and am about to place my first base. I click the button and.... surprise! Countless green lines of computer mumbo-jumbo instead of the box asking me to choose the name of the base.


I think the puter simply freaks out with the game occasionaly. Too many bugs :alien2: on it :tank:

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The game gives you that green text as it's error message. But it can come up with more then one error, remember. Usually the best solution is to get a fresh copy of the game, there are a few corrupted ones out there. :tank:
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  • 2 weeks later...
*sigh* Amazing how much more sympathetic one becomes to problems like this one when they happen to oneself. :tank: I have fallen victim to the big text bug after using the same computer/game for years. I do have the collector's edition at my mother's house, so I suppose I'll reinstall from that. It's not here tonight, though. :P
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Might as well check if my method works or not....try simply saving and shutting down the puter and then reload the game, Tammy.

If it doesn't work....oh well my hours of silent contemplation at the front of the screen trying to solve the process just turned useless :tank:

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Have you tried pressing the end turn button and then tried moving your men, see if this works, other wise what i would recommend; if its a pc version re-install it, if its a playstation version, hit your playstion a bit and also use the method of placement that Playstation stole from me; which is placing the playstation on a vertical angle.


Try shooting at a target such as the wall, or throw a grenade on the ground, not primed. Do a few things besides walking to see if this still triggers the action of unstabilism, otherwise the best thing to do is to re-intall the game... Your computer may be corrupted by some kind of alien activity.

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