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Best Tactic vs Battleship?


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In the whole game i'm been able to take down no more than 2/3 battleship...do u guess why?


Coz every time my FIRESTOMs are heavily damaged!


I've at *full capacity* 8 FIRESTOMs rdy to fly all with 1 Avalance Luncher - 1 Plasma Beam when i use ALL of them same time vs the battleship i'm able to take it down, but after i must wait a lot of days for repairings. :)

So, sometimes i only have 2/3 FIRESTORM for the battle but...i can't take it down in any way...so i give up!


Any advice please?

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Alternately, instead of the avalanche missiles, you might also want to try the fusion ball launchers. The ammo is very expensive on elerium, but they are very effective when they manage to hit.


Since they're so expensive, it would be a good idea to not use them on anything except the battleships. Also be careful if you use dual launchers -- the last round of missiles usually misses since the ship automatically goes into stand-off range. Temporarily going into agressive helps prevent the last salvo from being wasted.


Nevertheless, in the long run, dual plasma cannons are by far the most economic guns you can buy.



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Well, I'm with the 'dual-plasma-rules!' school of thought too, but if you have a huge stockpile of elerium going to waste (for those terribly conservative players who opt to use more personal armour than power armour and have a flotilla of interceptors rather than avengers), I suppose one fusion ball launcher for those special occasions where you're feeling gratuitous is all right. :)



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I can't remember - can you rename the fighters?


When trying to match response to threat, fusion launchers should ONLY be used against battleships. It would help to have one of the fighters on the scramble list named "Gratuitous Violence". :)


Man, that pilot would have a swagger.


"Send forth Gratuitous Violence"

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