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Superhuman; No Saves


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I dont know if any of you have attempted it, but I completed a game a while back on Superhuman and no saving other than to exit the game.


That had to be the most stressful X-COM game of all time...



This the formula:







go here




and look for my post, its about the middle of the page



I was just curious if anyone else has tried it, or would like to try it...


but be warned =]


peace out



Producer/Director BobaFettFilms


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That is rather...... INSANE.


I'm playing it on superhuman right now and I've noticed how fast the aliens reflexes are and how accurate they can get.


For every mission (large+, terror sites, base), you'll probably only come out with 50% of the troops you send in. :alien2:

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Ah, good old Iron-Man mode.


That's kind of fun.


But the challenge that really caused me to start tearing my hair out in frustration was this one:


- Rules adhered to: Ironman rules, no psi-amps, superhuman.

- Only kill aliens with reaction fire, except if your opportunity fire doesn't want to kick in for that alien after many turns (usually for unarmed aliens) or if you're stunning a research critical alien with a stun rod.


I got to the second mission and gave up after it ended. :)



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How about:


- iron-man mode

- stun rods only - no weapons, no grenades, no psi amps

- must let aliens land (no interception)

- lay off all units with more than 65 Tu's


what else have I left out that would make it the 'ultimate challange'?

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A there's plenty, like wearing no armour, etc, etc. I'd keep the good soldiers in though, it's hard enough as it is to go with the ironman restrictions, except if you're using an old version of UFO without the skill-caps and have stats that eventually wrap around.


But you know what's funny about using stun-rods only? It would actually work! It would be next to impossible, but yeah, it would actually work. You'd still need to pick up some form of destructive weapon at the very end to disable the brain though.


Sectopods and Cyberdiscs, while you may think they would be immune to stun attacks, can actually get disabled with a stun-rod. When they're down, it's almost impossible for them to get back up again. Cyberdiscs would be your major problem though, as they tend to explode when stunned.



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Hey sainty,


I'm going to try Super Human too. Good thing the save is out, or else my mind keeps thinking *save/load cheat* :)

But no psi-amps, wow man. If you make it your 1337 :)

I always need em, counts for the armor as well. It's crazy to go without these 2 since they are the most important defense counters in the game.

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Well, if you can do pretty well up to when you get the psi-amps, I don't see what's too difficult about holding out on them just a little longer. :)


Besides, only two alien species have psi, and with careful selection of troops with good psi-defense, fighting them would just be like fighting any other alien species.


As for armour, I've been conditioning myself to use less power suits. A few CO's (of my choosing, not the game's) get power suits and only one or two soldiers ever get the flying suits (generally snipers). Everyone else is either in their khaki jumpsuits (those less favoured or who've haven't yet seen their first mission) or personal armour. Oddly enough, this setup's been working pretty well. Saves a lot of elerium too and clears off the excess alien alloys due to an embarassingly high soldier turnover rate in the early bits of the game.



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  • 3 weeks later...







just one LASER TANK!


on superhuman on a terror site!!!!




It takes sheer determination... however i dont believe any of the civilians came out alive!!...


I think that if you take over a civilian and if the mission is won that the civilians should be taken to xcom for recruitment...! u know a bit of cannon fodder wont hurt!

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