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Best of the Best


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The soldiers in x-com are supposed to be the best of the best, if thats so how come when you start the game and fire a shot it goes hopelessly wrong and this goes on for the first few missions (yes they can hit but they miss too often) if you are picked for an extra terrestrial combat unit you would expect them to be able to shoot straight.
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Hmm.... *starts new game*......... *loads save game*....... DAG some civs are almost as good as some of the rookies!!!.... Well i think x-com "drafts" rookies from the NRA or something. When x-com soldiers do aim shots they almost always hit so maybe the time it takes for say a marine to normally shoot is considered an aimed shot. Eather that or the rifles they use are made in china or something :confused: . Anyway yes they can't shoot streight at the beginning but i think whats messing them up are those cheap rifles they are given. (when they use heavy cannons, auto cannons, or rocket launchers they seem to do just fine). Give x-com some M-16s and kiss unaccuracy good bye.



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I think it may be the rifles...I mean those things are junk no matter what way you look at it. I shot a rookie in

the back one mission just for a kick...fell unconscious, but having been shot in the back at point blank range with



Well, that just shouldn't be. I personally think that, seeing as how they are so weak and the way their accuracy

decreases so drastically over a short distance, I blame the rifles - I could make these things in my tool shed. Barrel

included. And I don't have a tool shed.

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Indeed it is true, trust me I've done it!

What annoys e though is that the guys you get are shot so often. Even if they aren't going to kill the alien in their first rally (which is perfectly acceptable) you would at least expect them to sidestep enemy fire or roll or something!!!

I just came back from another superhuman terror mission with ONE man! That's nine casualties and one lost tank... I was less than unhappy...

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and why after about 6 missions do soldiers die after 1 shot, i can understand 1 evry now and then but how cum it happens with about 4 of my men evry mission and then you have to train the new rookies then it happens again, then you have to train the rookies then again and again and again, i cant keep up, even with armour they go down sumtimes on 1 shot (not so fast with power armour and flying suit!!!!!)and how come it dosent happen with the aliens so often.
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Please please please mind probe or mind control a civilian and look at their stats. Now go compare it with the worst soldier you've got, or ever had.


X-Com soldiers are the best of the best, only they can get even better. The aliens only start off better than you. [1]


As for soldiers dying with one shot... well the best flying suits has to offer is 110 protection (oddly enough, a lot weaker than Magnetic Ion Armour), and that's only in the front. Heavy plasmas, being the most common, can dish out 115 damage. Factor in the random element somewhere and it's not surprising that you can sometimes survive when wearing armour.


For unarmoured soldiers, having only a maximum of 60 health and a few points of armour all around, they really wouldn't last. But again, the random element works in mysterious ways, since it is not uncommon to have an unarmoured soldier miraculously survive a burst of continuous plasma fire.


For the rifles...heh. I prefer the pistols to them because they are a lot faster but only deal 4 less points of damage. The sheer number of snapshots you can fire for half the price is usually worth it, since it's just as accurate as a rifle's snapshot. The higher number of shots also increases that chance of actually hitting something. Still, the rifle will always be superior in close quarter combat because of its autofire.


Pity neither of the two weapons can hurt a cyberdisc until after its been damaged and its armour points reduced.




[1] With one tiny exception. Civilians, heh, are a lot braver than X-Com soldiers. What was it? 110 bravery?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Firstly off, I used to have the same problems. Then I learnt how to play (after finishing it a couple of times :D )


Aimed shots rule. But more important, *kneel*!!!! Load and save a bit and try the same shots with and without kneeling. Then stop complaining about accuracy!


Usually, my aimed shots hit: one in five might not. Kneeling, even an auto shot should connect one in six. And yes, that's with rifles.


Shot in the back? yeah, you can survive that at pointy blank range, 'cept you won't be out of a wheelchair ever. Thankfully, X-Com meds have access to knowledge we obviously don't :confused:


Dead soldiers? Bitch, isn't it? Mostly I loose troopers while going through doors. TFTD solves that one, but in the end it's easiest, when you can, to back off a bit and blow doors down!


Or better still, sit to troops in front of a door and wait for someone to come open it. At worst the alien will shoot one of your guys before the other gets him.


Besides all this, often I've got my troops rigged up with laser rifles before the second mission, if not the first. SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?! :hmmm:

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Or better still, sit to troops in front of a door and wait for someone to come open it. At worst the alien will shoot one of your guys before the other gets him.

Actually, I'd say the worst thing that can happen is that he can lob a grenade before one of your guys guns him down. Happened to me one time, and cos I was crowding up for a breach I lost 8 guys, with another 2 wounded!!


Small Launchers are also bad in this example, as your men are too unconscious to return fire.

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Rifles (and pistols, in my case) are nice for quite a lot of aliens, but, on their own, they're not so great against the Chryssalids. Or worse, Cyberdiscs.


In one game month, I ticked the sectoids off -- majorly -- and had an almost constant stream of base attacks. The rifles just couldn't cope with the cyberdiscs (all the 'good stuff' was locked out by the 80-item limit. Grrr! ).


Oh well. The lesson learnt: Don't overstock ammunition clips, and scale your firepower against your enemy.


I agree with the sentiment that there's just something satisfying about defeating the aliens with terran tech. I mean, if you can beat them time and time again with such awful equipment, just think of what you'll be capable of with some better guns in your hands.


Mmm, laser pistols...



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Human guns are fine but they just end up getting your guys killed! It's not worth it! I find that the best way is to use the plasmas (or whatever your fav. alien gun is) then if anyone asks, say they stole it off you! Hey when the alien's are all dead who's even going to know?
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If game designers used actuall guns, then they have to go through the copyright stuff. That takes money and time, which game desiugners don't like to give up. Beleive if or not, guns don't magically come into existence, a company makes and copyrights them.
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IMO the real trouble with providing a nice range of various real-life guns is then coming up with an equivalent range of sci-fi weapons to keep it interesting.


Because the sci-fi guns are not based on real life models, you'd either have varying levels of effectiveness with no real reason other than variation, or a bunch of "extra" effects, which can start to get zany.


On the other hand, Jagged Alliance 2 sports a nice range of real guns and works quite well. JA2 doesn't have much of a sci-fi focus though...

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After a brilliant terror mission, base defence, base attack and several UFO missions I'd like to change my opinion.

Human guys really are absolutely brilliant after a promotion! I only have six guys so I'm limited to five squaddies and a sergeant. They're all brilliant shots though. On a light mission they can hit at least 1/3 shots with a heavy plasma autoshot about 75% of the time. (After reading this post I realise that that sounds much more impressive if I point out that that's when they can't even see who they're shooting at! I work from point coords)

I had one guy on a terror mission who found a Chryssalid in front of him and no time to do anythiong about it. HE was one side of a petrol station just under the lip of the roof. My other guy was ten squares away from the other side of the roof. Grenade goes up over and lands one square behind the chryssalid...

So throwing accuracy isn't bad either! :confused:

My two cannon tanks have just been replaced with plasma h.tanks and they are godlike! I haven't even come up against Ethereals yet and I'm almost ready to go to Mars! :D

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Yes, soldiers do have quite noticeable improvements once they become squaddies don't they?


I mean, as 'rookies', they're ... well, okay. But once they get a bit of experience under their belt and become squaddies, they seem so much better. For one thing, I noticed they can move a lot farther, even though they've only had a 2 - 3 TU improvement.


A little experience truly does go a long way.



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Well, you must remember, the weapons are bought from the lowest bidder. And also, no matter the training they've been through, a Rookie most likely won't be doing anything well once they see a live alien with a plasma rifle aimed at them the first time, especially fire.
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