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What group of crews do you want?


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Ok, as the weapon modding part of the RBmod slowly comes to his end (hopefully :power: ), i want your ideas regarding new crewmembers. There are some things i need you to remember:


Atm, i can't change stats and such stuff, i can change voices and textures, this means i'll do cyborgs but can't change their ability to be trained etc.


Ok, here are the groups which will be there (my entries)



-Halfretis (with extra voices)

-Camo-faced soldiers

-Maybe (if possible!) Cudgel- and Tumour-halflings

-Maybe a kind of guided vehicle (this is highly hypothetical and experimental atm, don't know if it will work properly)


Multiple entries are allowed, this thread will gather ideas only, i'll do a final poll later. :)

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well not transagent...they lose most of there thinking capobilatyes...due to those paracites...and i realy dout that any of my man would even live in a base together with one of those things...


how bout a preditor...or something......


to be truthfull..i realy dont know...maybe some kids...cause they have like any other whant to save earth......more asians blacks...and people with siborg inplans...like eyes...one hand or something like that

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Predator would be cool yes not to mention the xenomorf as the enemy :power:


There are lots of warriors to chose from. Like Banshees or Space marines (warhammer 40k) and alike. Or you ciuld turn to fantasy and put in a warewolf or a vampire :)

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How about...a full combat robot? Not just an cyborg, but a robot that looks like a deadly machine. Sort of like HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic.


Some more 'old greys' with bioarmor would be good.


Or how about a...big muton like unit. That would be cool looking.


Or a...Nude female skin! I'm sure everyone wants one of those! :power:

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What about getting people with blisters and charred skin in the latter part of the game ? That would set the mood and want you to conserve the healthy people you get at the start.


Droids that answered with beeps and whistles, like R2D2, would also be cool.

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The Muton would be Super-Heroic for strength right from the start. The Etherial would be Super-Heroic for psi right from the start. The Sectoid would be a gray hafling, like a gray Hobbit.


I definitely would like to see a Predator and/or Predalien.


A Dog, or a trained Alien from Aliens, like a Super Dog would be cool. But, it would be neat to have a PitBull Dog or some other Canine as a team member. Tear the aliens apart with his teeth. It would be like having a Chomper on the team.


The trained Alien, the Hard Meat, would use teeth and claws and be much like a having a terrestrial Bear on the team. Though from the Alien Quadriligy, it never seemed as if the male or drone aliens could be trained, though, they did obey the Queen in all things.


I guess that Tigers and Bears can be trained to a certain extent.


Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

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stats can not be edited...as far as i know..unless using the save game editor


but dont include units that need new anymation like wolf...but wait ithink it can be done...like the big dog of there...and if we ahd a wolf on your team...we just put it on a sheild buble and let it run search and destroy

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Ok i sorted things out a bit and looked what is possible and what not.


So this here is a list of cewmembers that maybe will be added (most probable on top)


-halfretis with own voice

-more cyborgs

-Faces with camo

-mutons with own voice

-etherals with own voice

-pred-something with own voice ;)

-Lobo (maybe with voice) ;)



Btw, due to the new muton colours, i will probably have to change the shortarmed shirts of the inventory screen into pullovers to hide the wrong look ;) Is this a problem to anyone ? :)

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Over on the Altar site, they got into a big battle saying something to the effect that teenagers and children are playing UFO:AM and thus they shouldn't be exposed to swearing and nudity.


Others joined in and said that teenagers shouldn't be playing such a brutal game.


Then they got into the debate that the barbarian Americans can't handle any nudity, but that Americans are blood and gore fiends. Then it went that the Europeans are sexual perverts who can't handle any blood and guts, and on and on and on. You get the idea.


The short of it. If you put in nudity and swearing and massive amounts of red blood, you're going to offend and turn off someone, which kind of suggests that these things should be avoided so that everyone can be safely included and nobody will be offended.


You want as many people playing and enjoying as possible.


Put the skin showing babes in swim suits or bikinis, which makes them look better anyway, keep out the profanity and racial slures, and keep the current moderated blood damage, then you don't have to worry about your nine year old daughter looking over your shoulder as you play Aftermath, no matter what country you might live in.

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Meh, I am American and I love Blood and Sex! ;)

I think nudie skins should be in! ;)

No matter what, someone somewhere will be offended. People were offended with the original Xcom because the player killed aliens without trying to communicate? Did you know that?


I am still lobbying for guys (or girls) in Fashionable Xcom 1 powered or personal armor. (Not affecting stats, but just their looks.) That would rock!

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The implementation is simple. If there is hardcore nudity, mature X-rated profanity, streets running with blood, and charred flesh, all of that should be in a separate file and a separate mod.




You could call it the X-Mod, and it would be a separate download.


It shouldn't be in the Rebalance 6.0 turning people off. Nobody should be forced into profanity, slavery, prostitution, or exploitation.


If the extreme or 'unacceptable' is available in a separate mod as a separate download, then the controversy is solved. Then those who want it can download it, and those who don't want it aren't put through it in order to get at what they really want.


Kind of like what Boks did with the head grenade and the extra blood patch. Those who want it can download it and install it. Those who don't want it can skip the download, and nobody is offended in the process. Both sides of the issue get what they want.


That's what modding is all about, getting what you want, and not having to put up with what you don't want.

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Oh and please answer this question ;)


"Btw, due to the new muton colours, i will probably have to change the shortarmed shirts of the inventory screen into pullovers to hide the wrong look Is this a problem to anyone ? "


Shall i do a poll? ;)

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There is nothing wrong with short armed shirts, if the skin of the arms is realistic looking.


Some of the things they are able to do with live animation skin in DirectX 9.0 are truly amazing. It looks like real skin.


Pullovers or the one-pieced swimsuit look isn't going to get anyone upset, I don't think.


But, maybe a poll on the matter is in order?


Someone else will have to speak up and say what they think, if they think differently.




Oh, I like the last list. Seems like the right things to start with, and probably end with as well?

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