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Biomass is a biatch!


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Got so far in the game and the flamin biomass is spreadin like a disease and its ruinin my fun. Im about to rescue the 2 greys but im stuffed im down to about 2 or 3 bases from 10. Its eating me like sweets! Any help or hints would be apreciated!
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At the risk of being negative, I think you're screwed :withstupid: . If your at that stage of the game and your down to 2-3 bases, you probably can't recover (never tried it myself, so I may be wrong). Restart at Normal or Easy - chances are you've been playing at Hard, which appears to be the default when you first load the game.


I don't know if the Biomass starts in the same place every time, but I've found that the US start gives me loads of bases and puts me miles away from Caspian Sea Biomass concentration (main Biomass area in my game).


You need to research Biomass researches. For that you need 2 things:


(1) A sample. Harder to get than you'd think. Basically, you need to do a mission that's on the Biomass (apparently base missions don't count). So try to shoot ufos down (or lose a plane ;) ) or just wait for a mission to appear.


(2) Nodes. You need to shoot down a planter (before it plants its node?).


I shot my planter down on the Biomass, but although I got my node, I didn't get a sample of Biomass. This means that either (a) there's a % chance of collecting a sample and it isn't 100%, (B) you can't get a node and a sample on the same mission or © there are small holes in the Biomass (seems unlikely, but it might explain why we sometimes keep bases taken in the Biomass).

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Yea ive done some biomass missions but its only says ''seems a good opportunity to attack the biomass'' which doesnt really do anything after mission is complete. The only base i got that is far away from the biomass is in the antarctic

I got my biomass from a special mission to antartica. It was too far from my bases, so i didn't bother. The second time I delegated, I got the samples.


But I haven't got the nodes, there aren't many UFO's to blast from the skies..... :withstupid:


So I think I'm f***** if I can't get hold of a Planter soon.....

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The Biomass can be in several places, not just one, and the placing is random. The Biomass will not even show up if you shoot down all the Planters fast enough. If your base coverage isn't very wide you probably will not spot all of the Planters and some will do their evil deed.

I think the Aliens started using Planters after I finished the Area-51 mission, but that could have been just in my game and be a random event. You will get a message saying something like: sattellites spotted biomass when the event happens.

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I think the area 51 connection is a fluke. Try researching detection of UFO ASAP, IMHO this will allow you to detect planters far before the A51 mission.


Shooting them down may be a different matter-- but it seems that the fighters are tougher in this game. Perhaps just my imagination, and after all this game isn't ANYTHING like those other UFO games.


(snort, chortle)

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Saved in the nick of time :withstupid:


Hi guys just did a bit of alien ass whoopin! hehe i was knocked down to 2 bases! 1 military base on the antarctic and 1 in south mexico i captured the spores from a downed planter Flukey there was intact spores on it and i set my base in mexico to a repulsifier and i was seconds away from losing! Wooooo now im taking over bases again since the biomass is bein beat off! Woohooo how flukey is that?

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Ok i have done the bio-mass research and they basically told me what it is but say they dont know how to destroy it. I must have shot down, boarded then cleared about 20-25 planter ships but i cannot find this bio node. I have no new items for research and seem stuck in limbo and the biocrud is eating my bases like no tomorrow and at the moment i have no way of stopping it. I tried leaving the planter ships to see if they land then board them, but it never tells me if they land or not, i have shot down every single medium to large planter that it warns me about yet still no *^&^&% bio nodes... I am starting to think my game is bugged.. and i really cannot be bothered to start all over. I have gone from 30 bases to about 6 now and the biomess is closing in fast. I am now losing the will to live and i think this game is going to go back on the shelf to become a dust collecting device. :withstupid:


Oh i have done several planters without using any form of explosive device also, so i havent blown anything up by mistake.

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Like it has been said in here before in several places, first you need to make a mission in a biomass covered territory. The mission terrain type will be biomass when you start the mission. Mine was a transgenant capture mission. Finish that and you get your node.


After that you need to shoot down a Planter and finish that mission. IIRC I didn't even send my crew for that one. Shot down a Planter and delegated the mission to COE troops and they got that liquid for me. :withstupid:

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Like i said in my post i have done the bio mass mission and got the sample (mission on biomass covered area). I have done about 10 missions on bio mass covered areas, retrieved the sample and researched it. Since researching it i have been boarding every planter i have shot down (must be nearly 30 of them now) and still no bio nodes, this game is getting very repetitive and boring now, i have only a few bases left (1 in the azores on a small island so biomess cannot spread there) and no way of stopping it. :withstupid:
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too late. I shot down and took over every planter i saw and i couldnt find a node and now all my bases have been taken over by the biomass. i had the biomass research but all that said was they didnt know how to destory it so best to aviod it.. well i tried but unless i can build a floating base then i have no chance. I base left which keeps getting invded time after time. I am bored of this now.
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The Biomass has only just shown up on my game. It's rapidly covering Africa, and a small patch just appeard in the Southern US. The latter is scaring me, because it's growing by the hour and I've not got much chance to stop it right now... I can just see my entire group of Northern US bases disappearing, and only having a couple in the Arctic... but that doesn't seem like a bad thing. My thinking is, maybe you're meant to be pushed up against the wall? Makes sense to me...
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It's kinda luck of the draw where it starts... technically if you're lucky enough to not let a UFO come anywhere near your territory, you can make sure the biomass starts further away.


Having said that, there are so many UFO's later on in the game that I had quite a lot of difficulty with teh biomass on easy setting :withstupid:


I was about 2 hours off losing London... T'was completely surrounded and then my anti-biomass base sprang to life!

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I have finished a biomass mission and get some samples I think, then finished a mission with a landed planter and finished biomass analysis research. So does it mean that I have gained a biomass node and I won't have this biomass invasion problem?
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