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Apocalypes graphics problem

Strong Bob

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I've been playing X-COM Apocalypes for a few months now. It's been working fine until I downloaded some new drivers for my ATI Radeon 7200. Now every time I start it up, the intro slows to a crawl and from the main menu on the graphics are all garbled and divided into four seperate screens. Can anyone help me out?



EDIT: Okay, I just went and looked at the rest of this "Support" board here. I've done the whole files/buffers deal since it was the only thing wrong indicated by the install diagnostic. It's changed absolutely nothing. I still need a bit of help, I had a pretty good saved game there.

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*throws strong bob a bone*


there you go, full of marrow bone jelly :D


you might want to try the svga patch. it might help. otherwise, i dunno really. my radeon hasn't given me any trouble (that i can remember) with it....

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Ack... The patch won't even install. I've put them in the right directories I think. (tacpPatch.exe in the tacexe folder and Ufo2pPatch in the ufoexe folder.) Whenever I run them, a DOS window pops up for a brief moment then closes. Aw well... Thanks for the bone anyway...
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