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Scheduling And Attendence


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Scheduling and Attendence for XCAS


Next Alpha Sim: 15 May 2005


Next Kappa Sim: 15 May 2005




If you are going to be absent at any time in the forseeable future, please let the rest of us know. Currently, the following members have been granted an extended leave of absence.


Ego Terrorist (Yorke) - School


If there are any questions, please contact me using one of the methods provided by this board.

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Archived Absence Board Posts


From CZ, 27 July 2003




Oh YOUR GOD I am so sorry it's making my eyes bleed with anguish! Well actually it's a mixture of blood and tears, but if that isn't the essence of anguish then I don't care for the real stuff!!! I honestly have a really good excuse! I swear! I also have a true excuse, but the good one first.


I was sitting down to log on and enjoy XCAS, when three... No seven... An ARMY of flying... erm... Monkeys, decended on my home. They started trashing the joint and throwing their dirty stinking mess around as if they owned the place, so I had to do something! At this point I put on my +3 armour of monkey bane and got out the 'monkey smasher' longsword +2 (+4 against monkeys!), I hacked and slashed like a lawnmowing machine gone crazy! As I stood over the torn and shredded remains of an army of flying monkeys, breathing heavily from the effort and nursing numerous monkey bites with sticky plasters I looked at the clock... 11:30 pm. I screamed into the night and was arrested for possession of a weapons and animal cruelty. Stupid police only believed that the flying monkeys attacked ME when I gathered over two hundred witness testimonials. Stupid cops...


The actual excuse, which is still a good one, is that I just this day bought Neverwinter Nights and I'm multiplaying it with my brother on the other computer. We started at 3pm, and only looked up to find it was 9:30 pm. I'm sorry about it, but I honestly didn't know that Neverwinter Nights actually possesses time warping abilities. I know this now, so next week I'll only play it when I've got a DeLorean and an insane professor nearby, so that if I do miss XCAS I can travel back in time to then and fix the problem. Or have zany adventures in the future, I haven't quite decided which... No! XCAS wins! I'd definatly go BACK in time to sim XCAS!


Sorry again,



"Make monkey's your bitch! The new Monkey smasher +2! For when you don't just want that monkey spanked, but annihilated"






From Caster13, 5 October 2003


I just got a new full time job position and from the looks of it there's an extremely large chance I'll be working every Sunday. I guess this could be considered as my resignation from XCAS but I really don't want to.


If it's possible, could my character remain on the roster? If I ever get any free Sunday afternoons I'll definitely spend it simming with you guys.






From Vikernes, 25 April 2004


Real-life has been cranking up worse and worse. This very friday, I'm suposed to deliver my 3-year-course end project, so it's going to be completely chaotic...


After that, I'm off for two months of work experience... on top of that, I'm getting really, really sick of computers, and I'm going to have to try to get away from them as much as I can. I've been slacking up in everything except computers...


This to say that I cannot play McBannok today, and I'm not really sure about the future...


If you need anything from McBannok, email me, and I'll try to do something... otherwise, it reverts back to the hands of "He Who Played Him Earlier"....


I'm really sorry guys...

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  • 4 months later...

As of now, my chances of making sims on weekends is next to null. My Sundays are now eaten up by menial labor and my saturdays are for another roleplaying game I play with a group in person. The good news, for XCAS, is that my saturday games do not always make the schedule. This is because our most critical member follows an agenda where every shred of his plans are made at the last minute. This means I have no idea if a game will occur until Saturday morning. (Likely around 11 AM Eastern Time. Or 16.00 GMT.) If a game is canceled, I can surely make a sim.


However, I think it rather irresponsible for Scott to be in his rank and position, and also be so erratic in his field attendance. I'm officially putting in a request for a promotion/transfer into a less active slot. (Preferably promotion. But that's just a pompously selfish request there. :) ) When I do make sims, I'll either play as Chris Xiggores or make a new guy for action. Since Xiggy is a complete coward, and it's not quite realistic to put scientists into the battlefield... He's not exactly enticing to roleplay on those occasions. Plus, I think roleplaying a nerd is disturbingly easy... I mean, it comes too naturally to me for me to be comfortable with it sometimes.


I mean, jeez... Me roleplaying Xigs is like Derrick roleplaying a hard assed Chinese Engineer guy with a french accent... Oh wait, he does. *Blows rasberry* But regardless, I'd like to keep Xiggy so I can air out nerd humor through him at the least. Plus he's currently the only full scientist on the roster.


Anyway, I think I'm rambling here. Bottom line: I can't make sundays, but I can sometimes make saturdays. I want Scott to move to an inactive position, so I may play Xiggy or another character for the times I do make it. Or you can consider this an absurd request, and ban me from XCAS forever, burning down Scott's office, deleting every trace of my name from the logs, send the team on more mining missions and removing all the porn I sent to Derrick when I got drunk this one time. I just hope you will all find it in your kind, forgiving, hearts that you won't pick the latter. Even if I am a fat and lazy American.

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  • 3 months later...
You are, but the real question for me is why you're curious, hehehe. :huh: However, having said that, you're NPC assigned to base really. If you want a reactivation, we'll have to talk about it, but until then I'm guessing that you're not looking for one.
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Scheduling and Attendence for XCAS


Next Alpha Sim:  27 Feb 2005


Next Kappa Sim:  26 Feb 2005




If you are going to be absent at any time in the forseeable future, please let the rest of us know.  Currently, the following members have been granted an extended leave of absence.


Ego Terrorist (Yorke) - School


The following folks haven't checked in with me and don't really respond to IMs or emails.  If anyone knows what happened to them and their status, let me know, but I'm assuming their out and gone.





If there are any questions, please contact me using one of the methods provided by this board.


As for Wildcat, I think he lost interest, since he joined when most of it was a complete mess. I'll talk to him, see if I can perk his interest.

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Kappa Team, reminder that this weekend we sim on Sunday, the regular time.


Operatives assigned to detachments from the Peregrine and the Bravery are to render a Snakeman facility useless, destroyed, or otherwise pointless through the elimination of any material by which they may prolong our conquering of Planet Zeta in two weeks time.


For your convenience:


Your backstory: Lost Hope

Your mission: Into the Cavern


Also note that our directory is now SpecialOps instead of SpecialOperations, and that SpecOps will redirect to SpecialOps.


Alpha Squad, your mission to follow tomorrow.

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Game on as normal for both teams this weekend. Kappa Team, you sim on Saturdays at the normal time... I'm not sure how DST works into it, but it would be exactly 2 days and one hour from this post. Alpha Squad, similar deal, you sim at your normal time on Sunday, 3 days and 7 hours from now.
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thanks for the heads up. I feel your pain - there isn't a lot of time to play 40K on the weekdays, so you can only really play on the weekends. I used to have all the gaming sessions on the weekend... BattleTech, Warhammer, etc. Now Warhammer and airsoft both compete with the sims on weekends, and it's virtually impossible to schedule it all at the same time.


We'll discuss the next time I'm on. If you think you want to take an LOA to play Warhammer for the next half year and see how it goes after that, it can be done. If you want to leave, that can also be done.

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OK, kill me. I'm sorry for not being able to get in the sim earlier today, but my connection hanged up at some point before 0830 (the time I awakened), and I couldn't connect until 1400. Also, the thing kept hanging up randomly until a few minutes ago. Sorry again.
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