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High familiriaty on easy weapon, compared to no familiriaty on hard weapons?


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Hello everyone, that might still read this forum.


Once again, I began playing the SS series. Began from the original before moving to Sentinels.


I have used the Chatellerault since the first time it appeared in the cabinet. I have reached lvl 10 in familiarity. But at the moment, it feels the damage isn't up to the challenge anymore.


Found the MG 34 on the "German Manor" mission. It has superior range, clip size and damage values compared to the Chat. Unfortunately the weapon difficulty is "hard".


The people that would use them is a level 9 soldier with 60 shooting and 50 burst.


Is that skill level enough to cover the fact that I would lose all the familiarity and the "easy" gun difficulty?


Playing on impossible. Mods used: AP for inventory usage.


Off-topic: Engineering is still as FeelsBadMan as I remembered. Even though I am using the engineer as a medic as well (increases intelligence faster?), the engineering skill increases only by half a cm every time I do something "engineery".

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I never focused on familiarity and always went for a gun that has higher damage. I think that in SS Easy/Hard handling was not that visible like in SSS. Just carry both guns and see how the results will be.


As for engineering. I think there is a mod here that speeds up engineering gain.

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To be frank, does anyone really know if familiarity actually does something tangible in game? I understand the theory behind it and all, but I'm not sold on the idea that there is a significant benefit by getting more familiar with a weapon. Perhaps more bullets will hit per burst/less drift? How would you test? dntknw.gif


The thing is though, you eventually need weapons that do more damage/have better range/bigger clips. When should you make the switch? Obviously as soon as you acquire the weapon. If familiarity actually does play a role, it makes sense to get some practice with it. I change to a different weapon when there is a benefit to do so. In the case of the MG34, it's a game changer when compared to the Lewis or Chatellerault. Ask yourself this: "If you acquired a scoped + silenced 98K, would you switch to it or stick with a scoped Lee Enfield"? ;)


- Zombie

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It is kinda "FeelsBadMan" moment when the recruits get almost double the skill levels that my original 4-man party has, even though I have ground random encounters and have had boot camp exercises. Luckily the engineer has some nice perks in the skill tree, although it doesn't remove the slight mistake of making the main an engineer with 2 pts in dexterity tongue.png


The issue was solved in the mission after the German Manor. Found a pack of SVTs, an MG 42 and (unfortunately) a set of PKs.


Edit: I will not be using the silenced rifle, even though I'm trying to collect one of each weapon in the game. Still using the non-silenced one wink.png But then again, I'm weird. I tend to go for the Master Sniper over Always inflicting a ranged critical.

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