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Any trouble logging in?


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Hey team, and fellow Ufopaedia contributors,


I've been meaning to log in recently to address a recent query on why we don't cover Xenonauts on the wiki, but have not been able to log in to Ufopaedia.org.I keep getting kicked out saying my browser hasn't got cookies enabled.


I've sent Jo5hua a PM to raise the issue. However, just to be sure it's not isolated to myself, is anyone else experiencing trouble logging in recently?



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I experienced the same thing (must've been about 3 weeks ago though). Couldn't tell you how I fixed it, I think it sorted itself out in a week (didn't check everyday or anything). I remember restarting my browser and mashing CTRL+F5 a bunch of times which didn't seem to help. Week later I checked and logged in just fine (& have stayed logged in successfully since then). I'm not going to risk logging out to check if the problem persists for me. ;)


- Zombie

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Well, after about a week I've somehow managed to log in. Likewise, I'm not willing to log out in case I can't get back in again. Hopefully this means some work has been done or whatever that had broken down had restarted on its own.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes it seems to be happening again. When you're not logged it complains about about cookies. If you are logged in, it complains about session data being lost when you try to save changes. The wiki's not in a healthy state at the moment.


Was lucky to get the new article in last night when I did, though it still needs work.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not yet for this round. I note my PM to Jo5hua a month back is still showing as unread. I thought I'd try other contact methods, but I don't see any alternate contacts listed in his profile.



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I've gotten in via HTTPS login, but the HTTP version of the site won't acknowledge. In case that's useful.


I think you managed to sneak in during one of the rare moments when it decided to behave. I gave it a go but it's not working for me. So I've resorted to copying and pasting my work into text files on my desktop for the the time being.



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I actually was able to login via the https loophole a few times. Haven't tried to edit anything though. Besides, the functionality of the site in https is kinda a mess. ;) Any word from Jo5hua NKF? :)


- Zombie

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've reported this issue to Jo5hua about a month ago on Skype and still had no reply from him. Meanwhile I appear to be able to edit the UFOPaedia but I've received reports that others aren't available. Anyone else not being able to log in?
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Still haven't heard anything on my end either.


My best guess is some internal process has stalled and it's causing the two problems that I've encountered thus far:


When you are logged and can't save due to loss of session data:https://www.mediawik...ogging_back_in.


When you aren't logged in but the wiki thinks cookies are disabled: https://www.mediawik...ookies_disabled


It does seem to sort itself out every so often which accounts for the more recent updates getting in. But it really does break your stride when you've got a sudden burst of inspiration only to find your saves aren't happening. dry.png



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Yeah, still not able to log in. I also sent an email to Jo5hua with no response (yet). Did he get abducted by aliens or something? wink.png


- Zombie


Let's wait a couple of days to see if your attempt gets an answer


I have discussed this issue yesterday with SupSuper and almost a year after the change to Jo5hua's server I don't see much difference regarding support between the current situation and when the UFOPaedia was hosted by Pete. It's been almost two months since I reported the login issue to Jo5hua, which is serious since it affects the ability of users to edit/contribute and I would prefer not to spend months before these sort of issues are fixed (like last year when it wasn't possible to register new users)

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My very first reaction the suggestion of a Plan B was to think that I need to learn how to run a server. Granted that's a very naive notion as I have absolutely no idea where to begin. grin.gif


But I'm slowly coming around to thinking that I need to, as the office jargon goes, up-skill. The recurring issues we've been having these past few years is wearing me down.


For our more immediate problem, I've e-mailed Pete. But I only know his Strategycore address. If anyone knows a more direct contact method, please do the same.



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I think we should start tossing about a "Plan B" just in case this Jo5hua thing doesn't work out, because the situation is "critical" now. Any ideas?


Plan B could be that the folks at OpenXcom are going to move the mod portal from Jo5hua's server to NineX's server, which hosts the OpenXCom forums and main site.


NineX had already offered to host the UFOPaedia before a year ago but Jo5hua had offered his help first

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started seeing these lately as well:




This has become extremely aggravating for me since the wiki is very important for OpenXcom as well as other sites Jo5hua hosts, but sadly haven't gotten any reply from him as well. If there's any way to move the website without him please do so.


I can vouch for NineX as he has been hosting X-COM fan websites for years, like UFO:AI and OpenXcom, and he's always proven to be reliable and reachable all the way through. PM me if you need his contact.

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Hey folks. Got in touch with Pete, but no progress to report about contacting Jo5hua at this stage.


I'm heavily leaning towards a Plan B as well, but I'm wondering how we're going to retrieve the content with our host in absentia.



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Jo5hua replied to me today saying: "wait for me ill fix the site"


EDIT: I talked more to him today, he says he'll give full server access. I mentioned that we are considering alternative hosting options, but the main issue still seems to be that we need someone who has the availability to do at least some maintenance

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  • 1 month later...

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