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Use of psionics on terrorist unit types


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Anyone know the average psi-strength of the various terrorist units?


Chryssalids are unimportant, my troops can, for the most part usually take them over completely, and panicking them is not a problem.


What I am most interested in is if its possible to control silacoid and celatids? whilst silacoid are described as having a primitive intelligence, the celatids don't even have much by way or ORGANS let alone a brain. But even the sectopod and cyberdisc can be controlled if the psyker making the attempt is extremely proficient and with a large degree of innate talent to use with that skill, as at least sectopod are companion units in service to the ethereal race and are designed to be capable of, despite their robotic nature, being controlled directly by an ethereal via their psionic talent.


Not so certain about cyberdisk. But is it actully possible to control celatid or silacoid, and if so what level of skill/strength is needed for at least a chance of success?


Also,if psi capture is permitted in the options, does this override the usual inability to take a sectopod or cyberdisk alive and being able to get the live capture research data only via medics?


If the data is obtained that way, if possible, rather than via a medic is there any risk of crashing the game, either directly on research completion or via final research score being larger, if every other possible topic is researched also and then the game is completed, OR, if every other species is researched, would that make the medics themselves a research logic bomb since they then would have nothing at all

that they can reveal?

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Psi capture doesn't even exist in the PC version of UFO: Enemy Unknown.


All aliens in the first two games can be mind-controlled. Their psi-strengths (and all their other stats, for that matter) can be found here.


You can keep researching aliens after there's nothing left to reveal; they just don't reveal anything. :P

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Its openXcom. And psi-capture definitely exists in my version of it. Because I've used it once or twice. Otherwise I keep it turned off for convenience, so as to allow MCing of a (hopefully last, or at least one of several totally disarmed aliens for the troops to first get their psi quotas filled and then start whaling on the unfortunate alien with whatever comes to hand


Kind of odd really that the likes of a celatid can be MC'ed, when they don't HAVE a mind, or a brain at all for that matter, or silacoid..I mean how do you MC an amorphous blob of protoplasm with little other than a stomach, of sorts. I've heard the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I don't recall ever hearing that applied to their HEADS. And even that kind of relies on the subject keeping their brain, such as it might be, IN a head:P

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