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alien spawn triggers?


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I've read a number of theories about what causes different aliens to spawn. That it's fixed by days, that it is based off your average level, etc.


What causes the progression of aliens? as in beastmen > alchemists > shamen, > captains >rollers > commanders > uber spiders > matriarchs?

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  • 1 year later...

I quote


It seems to be a combination of all these factors, but mostly your territory and level (you need to fight for every territory, so they come together).


In my rush playthrough at normal difficulty, where I claim as much land as fast as possible, I got Chiefs in early June. By that time I got 42 territories and since I melee off every enemies, my soldiers are at pretty high levels (highest 17, total 132). I am also seeing multiple spider drones whenever I fight robots.


When capturing expedition solider I faced 25 enemies - 3 teams of 4, 2 teams of 6, plus the target. Most are armoured, including the solider I need to capture. I honestly suspect it cannot get tougher.

Time is 17th June, 46 territories, max lv 18, total 144. Expedition has 4 territories.


The first green matriarch, armed with martian cannon, appeared on 25th June, 59 days since game start. I claims 60 territories, my highest solider is lv 21, total solider lv 181, and the beastman has 5 or less territories (likely 3 or 4).


Martian capture mission, 4th July, 16 Martians, 1 Mech, 3 pets, plus the target. Martian has 2 lands and I have 69. Highest lv 22, total 217.


Then the shaman capture, 5th July. I meet four green matriarch, one red matriarch, two green captains, two chiefs, three rollers, six lower level units, plus the shaman. 70 territories, highest lv 22, total lv 228, 4 lands left for beastman.


This is a much, much faster pace then any Youtube video I watched. (I can go faster but I'm trying to fill in the wiki by experimenting)

If more people else can note when they first see the green matriarch, and soldier level and number of territories of both sides at that time, we should be able to do some calculations.



And I will add more of my observation data later. Note that I think Sheepy use soldier level, not adding tech and scien.

SO at 1st incident where I suspect 1st alchemist appear, since I overuse TNT in many mission and havent dissect beastmen yet so I cant see in mission its role, and corpse at the end only show soldier, and this mission show a beastmen healing device.


total soldier level 93 of 15 soldier (discounting Tab's 5) averaging 6.64 (discounting Tab's 6.12). Highest Harald 12

Total mission: 14/14

Total territory: 20

(total all class level 230, 23 personel)

Impossible difficulty

A suspicion that average level 6 7 8 9 10 and territory 20 30 40 50 is the trigger. We will see when I get to said number.



Meeting 1st mech in a robot mission

Total soldier 110 averaging 7.33 (or with Tab 7.18) highest harald still 12

total mission 19/19

Territory 22

(total all class 244/23)

Since then I see the 1st levitating as well but havent got its wrecks.


Meeting a full court press: alchemist, captain, shaman, in a hyperspace gate mission. Although it's in Cydonia, I got another newer gate mission half a world away. No tech to destroy gate yet. (loot: 3 big rifle. 2 beastmen GL and etc...)


This time total soldier 121 averaging 8.648 (14 soldiers, I miscount two other times) or with Tab 8.4. highest harald = diego 13.

total mission 22/22

territory 23

(all class 297/23)

just discovered Domes, building one, and get the second lab running along nicely.At this stage the Beastmen outgun me completely, as I only has rifle and TNT. Even ret laser is out of charge and cant barter for more.


My suspicion change to discovered territory number, not owned ones. plus level average.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Total soldier level 162 (include Oghie going out to build geosonde and two Expedition soldier. Average 17 soldier is 9.52. (include Tabbie would be 9.17) Highest Diego 16.

Total all class level 362, averaging 13.92 (including Tabbie and Jurgen would be 13.32)

35 successful mission, 3 fail

30 owned. 49 discover.


After this, if I go to a mission there would be Chief and spider appear. The number of Chief would be 5+.


Before that, if I use cheat to add_experience and drive total class level to 567, and averaging 21.8. Going to mission I will not meet matriarch. The numberof spider and roller do increase. So averaging doesnt seem to affect the appearance, only the number. I've been slowly waiting the above date, 25th June, to see if the appearance is date-linked.

EDIT: 2thJuly and no sign of Matriarch. probabbly not linked to date. I finished off the Reticulans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

7th of July, 53 successful missions, 38 owned, 65 discovered territories, Reticulan Rebels finished.


Total level: 428, out of 27, averaging 15.85

Total soldier level: 178, out of 18 soldier and subclass, averaging 9.89

Still no sign of Matriarch. I am dreading the soldier averaging approaching 10.

EDIT: The mission showcase 1st Boss, and Beastman Cannon.

My suspiscion is that the average level of the SQUAD would affect the number of enemies on that mission. The total soldier average may just affect the appearance of high level enemy.

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Got the 1st matriarch mission as a capture in 15th of July.


Capture and interrogate all Ret, and Beast, peace with Expe, with martian soldier interrogation in the research queue.

Territories owned 42, discovered 72.

Terra stations 20; Terra progress 23%

There should be two or more gates left (south sea and gold coast)


Total class level 452 (with Jurgen and Tabbie dead, it's 463), averaging 16.74 (with deads 15.96)


Total soldier level (plus tech and science) 325 (with Tabbie dead its' 330) averaging 18.055 (with tabbie 17.36). Highest soldier level is 19.


Total soldier level only 192 (with tabbie dead its' 197), averaging 10.67 (with tabbie its 10.36)


I think the factor decide would be averaging of total soldier level plus solsci and soltec without the dead guys. And Impossible difficulty. It surely make Matriarch appearing much earlier, level-wise, compared to Normal Diff. as narrated by Sheepy.

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IIRC, the best tactic I had found is to one-slash it with a runner using a Laser Saber (I had found only one, in the end).


My tactic is to just perforate her with 2 miniguns, she can't dodge every bullet ;) Also human plasma rifle (annihilator?) works perfectly well too.

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I dont have that sort of hardware yet. The laser work pretty good: A supernatural snap shooter like Pierre can kill one if there's one or two assisting shots from another laser gun, or a slash of katana. My heavy weapon user Diego is outfit in heavy suit, so cant run along with one who cant, but I imagine the cool laser cannon can do equally as well.


Dynamite should work if I can lure a Matriarch onto a trap site, which is chancy to create, what with Beastman map.


Note: heavy suit disabling the running action is too big a limiting factor. It is a necessary armor for scientist or techs with low level of soldiers, though, since hostiles love to pour fire on them.

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Most of the 3days+ trainings are not done yet. Minor snipers only.


The enemy's allocation is unclear too. The capture mission got two matriarchs, one is target. Three mission after that only one got a single. Level average should be high, since I got my usual pure soldiers AND one solsci or soltec. I dont get it~


EDIT: Matriarchs... It's somewhat straight forward in the way they charge at us. IF, a big IF, you can grasp the timing and start the Warp cannon user to target her at the right distance, she will jump right into the face of a warp shot at near point blank distance. That nearly always can stagger her into slumping, thus be target practice of other shooters.

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