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Black character skin bug.


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Hello and good time of the day to everyone. I hope, someone of experienced guys is still around here...


So, I've installed Silent Storm Sentinels and created a black character to play with. Unfortunately, there's some bug in the game, and all his skin, except the one on the head, eventually turns white. Does anyone know how to fix this?


My best suggestion was to use UnitSetBody function in the console. It works like this: UnitSetBody( unit, nModelID ). The problem is: I do not know model IDs. When I try random numbers, nothing changes. Maybe I use this function in a wrong way? Can someone provide model IDs and/or a step-by-step instruction of using UnitSetBody?

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Look in character paramenters. I do recall some values that pick the skin tone for the pers. You need to figure out how to specify black skin for your soldier.
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Look in character paramenters. I do recall some values that pick the skin tone for the pers. You need to figure out how to specify black skin for your soldier.


First, thanks for answer, and pretty quick answer, I must say.


Can you be more specific, please? Character parameters in console or some kind of save editor? Or is it something obvious and right under my nose?

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MapEdit (in core folder). I kinda thought you were aware of it - without it you can`t mod anything in the game, even original files.


Well, I'm aware of the editor, but I've never used it and hoped it can be fixed via console... I will have to deal with several technical difficulties first then, thanks (I do not have some MSQL service installed).

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Look for MSDE - thats a light and easy to configure SQL server. I recall it being available at Microsoft.com, but can`t guarantee that - it was a long time ago since i saw it there. MSDE is something lite 'MySql Server Desktop Edition' or close to it.
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Look for MSDE - thats a light and easy to configure SQL server. I recall it being available at Microsoft.com, but can`t guarantee that - it was a long time ago since i saw it there. MSDE is something lite 'MySql Server Desktop Edition' or close to it.


Will do. I will most likely reply here, but can I use your PM box just in case of something?


Edit: got the editor to work. Will try to do something now...


Edit mk. 2: OK, I have some report on progress.


Console command UnitSetBody( ouc, 4116, 6442 ) gives my character Nessie's body, which means black skin, but completely messed up uniform. Besides, everytime i change uniform, my skin turns white again.


I can do stuff in editor, but I can't really find how to change the skin of character. Maybe I just look at the wrong place? Besides, it is look like editor autosaves everything I've done, it makes me a bit nervous.


And I don't understand which entry is responsible for the character that will be created by player.


In fact, so far I just want to change skin color of any character, for the start.

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Open editor. You`ll be prompted which data you wish to use. It is better to create a new mod instead of working with original data (which you can bork down to irreperable state by incident). To do so just click the 'new' button. After you create a new mod - you`ll need to select it from the drop down menu.


Once in editor you need to find a 'pers' tab in the left menu. If it is not there - look in the upper menu for a 'select tab' button (looks like three file folders).


In this 'pers' tab you`ll see a huge amount of folders. You need the one labeled 'mercs'. Find Nessie in there and double click on him. Close the pop-up menu.


To the right you`ll see a bunch of entries. Find there 'ModelId' and click on the small button right to it. This is the model used for Nessie, it has a model itself and a list of the materials. Look for the material1 in this list - it contains skin texture which should be set to 'african' for Nessie. This what makes Nessie look black in game.


Close this window and return back to Nessie. Scroll down to the end of all the values. There should be a 'faceId' value. Click on the grey button - a new window will be opened. That`s the model for the head of the pers. It contains its own specific textures which, ofcause, are unique to Nessie.


If you wish to change any other pers in the game to be black-skinned - you`ll have to change the 'material1' for the body model, manually edit this pers` face texture in any editor, import it into the map editor and 'build' the mod`s data so that the game can see it.

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As for the player-generated character... i can`t tell you for sure which pers is used here. Never bothered with this one.


I know, however, whe you can find the pregenerated characters for the player to pick from. You can replace one of them with a black-skinned guy and just pick him at the start of the game.

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Thanks for the ultra constructive reply. Feel myself guilty for spending your time. I will try this right away.


In this 'pers' tab you`ll see a huge amount of folders. You need the one labeled 'mercs'. Find Nessie in there and double click on him. Close the pop-up menu.


Just correcting if someone else reads this: 'mercs ' folder is in 'SA' folder of 'pers' tab.


That's funny. material1 actually has something like Characters\Skins\Humans\USSR\Soldier\Face, but changing this 'face' to 'face_nessie' or to 'race/african' actually gives you black skin color.


As for the player-generated character... i can`t tell you for sure which pers is used here. Never bothered with this one.


I know, however, whe you can find the pregenerated characters for the player to pick from. You can replace one of them with a black-skinned guy and just pick him at the start of the game.


I will try to find playergen character, but can you tell me where the pregenerated characters are? It looks like there are multiple entries for them, I'm not sure which one to choose.

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