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panzerklein in hammer a sickle!


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You like panzerkleins but you're sad you cant find them in hammer a sickle? I have an solution! Simply, use these summonunit ids, it will spawn them somewhere on map. https://www.strategycore.co.uk/forums/topic/2993-summoning-panzerkleins-cheesy-eh/

Maybe its topic for silent storm, but it works with hammer a sickle as well

admins, can you please make it sticky? :P

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I hate Panzerkleins and that's why i like Hammer&Sickle much more than S&S games. IMO, S&S may be much more successful if Devs replace all Panzerkleins with tanks or armored soldiers, give all weapons more realistic stats and make a multiplayer feature.
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I hate Panzerkleins and that's why i like Hammer&Sickle much more than S&S games. IMO, S&S may be much more successful if Devs replace all Panzerkleins with tanks or armored soldiers, give all weapons more realistic stats and make a multiplayer feature.


wouldn't that just make it "Call of Duty"?


naw. it's fine like it is. I just wish more people would spend time modding it. I rather like the basic engine. turn based, decent physics, decent graphics. a little clunky, but not overly so.

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