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Underlords, rejoice! Your full powers are about to return and your cunning, amoral and opportunistic resurgence will be felt far and wide in the upcoming War for the Overworld, Subterranean Games' potent mix of real-time strategy, role-play and godly dungeoneering.



In War for the Overworld, you will play as a malevolent Underlord with unrivaled dark power and an insatiable desire for bloody conquest.



Excavate your dungeon and populate it with dozens of unique rooms that will attract myriad creatures to your halls to work and fight for you. In addition to creatures you have destructive spells and powerful rituals to cast upon any unsuspecting goodly hero (or rival Underlord) who dares trespass your unholy halls.




The titillatingly ghastly features:




• Evil Is Back: Play as an Underlord who has awakened from a deep slumber after countless years. This realm hosts a variety of enemies - both heroes and Underlords will stand before you as you fight for dominance of the Overworld.



• Build Your Dungeon: Tunnel, excavate, and build your dungeon beneath the earth of the Overworld as you see fit & create a dungeon filled with a wide variety of rooms, each with a unique use and purpose.



• Veins of Evil: Choose from over 60 rooms, spells, potions, rituals, defenses and upgrades in the Veins of Evil as you progress through the game and create your own unique flavour of evil.



• Fortify Your Domain: Build a wide variety of defenses within your walls to defend against - and destroy - those who seek to invade your domain.



• Cast Wicked Spells: Call down destructive magic to strengthen your dungeon, route enemy forces, or simply turn a wandering hero into a geyser of giblets.



• Unleash Devastating Rituals: Punish your foes or empower your own forces with game-changing Rituals that can do anything from raising an undead army to sending the entire map into a deep, frozen state.



• Command Powerful Minions: Over 20 minions await your call and will gladly work and fight under your banner... if you provide them with all the creature comforts they demand.



• Conquer the Overworld: Play through a feature-length campaign facing off against the Emperor of the Overworld as you fight for complete supremacy of the Realm.




Knowing full well that Underlords are not particularly characterized by patient anticipation, early access to a 'bedrock beta' has been cruelly made available on the Steam platform strictly for those who pre-order this offering.



So great to be evil, isn't it?

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Looks like 100% ripoff, 0 originality.


Not that I mind much, I take it as the Dungeon Keeper 3 we never got, or at the very least a DK2 graphics update.


Well, I will if they can keep up with the dark humour of the original.

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