Ruling The Stars

by on 4th Jun 2013

It's a history of endurance. Initiated by a single programmer, the browser-based space strategy game Astro Empires has indeed persevered, with the team at Cybertopia Studios having recently celebrated the seventh anniversary of the title with the launch of a new server.

Astro Empires is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game played in real-time in a huge universe with thousands of real players. Players can build bases, space fleets, research new technologies, form alliances, fight epic battles, and much more.

The game was developed to be a persistent game universe which is to continue indefinitely, allowing the players to mature new and exciting tactics as they grow and learn.

The ruling features:

• Slow-paced gameplay means can be played few minutes a day and still be competitive
• Open PvP model keeps everyone on edge, adding to the game's addictiveness
• Huge persistent universe with thousands of players
• Browser based, no downloads required
• Stunning 3D representation of units, with fullscreen highly detailed video versions
• Massive fan base and engaging community
• A worldwide Content Delivery Network ensures fast download times

Work continues unabated to improve player experience, and, in fact, it was announced today that efforts to reach v1.5 are underway, which the developers are claiming shall be the largest update ever.

(...) not limited to the game interface and aesthetics, we will make somes changes that affect the gameplay, like adding a new technology as well as some changes to some of the larger capital ships to make them more useful. Other adjustments are also included, like speeding up the process of scouting and the beginning of the game.

To secure your own empire in this free-to-play title plot in the following coordinates of its official online space.
