Piecing Together

by on 13th Mar 2013

Mastery takes time. That is something apparently quite well understood at Snowbird Games, the developers of Eador: Masters of the Broken World, as they diligently refine and make coalesce the components of their upcoming turn-based strategy game.

Here's what they're up to:

The building interface has been rearranged completely. Going through lots of feedback from the first beta we realized that we need to seriously reconsider this part of the game. One of the problems was that the old building interface notably slowed down the game’s pace. In order to build something players had to do at least six mouse clicks. And while trying to make the interface look appealing we lost sight of it a little so it’s a good thing you helped us get on the right path.

For further details about the new improvements and how they fit in check out their latest update.

As reported, the second beta test stage is just around the corner so, slowly but surely, things are coming together for an early Summer release.
