Out Of Limbo

by on 24th Aug 2012

Turmoil returns with a vengeance to Might & Magic Heroes. A second adventure pack for the 6th instalment of the famed turn-based strategy series has been announced, and to further shake things up a gold edition of the game is to be simultaneously released alongside it.

About the DLC pack:

(...) Danse Macabre Adventure Pack offers over 10-hours of epic adventure. The banished Might & Magic villain, the Great Lich Sandro, suddenly reappears with a vengeance to take on the world of Ashan and his dragon gods. This Adventure Pack also features an artifact set, a unique building, new heroes and an original pet.

As for the new edition of M&M Heroes VI:

(...) Gold Edition includes the original game Might & Magic Heroes VI, the two Adventure Packs and an exclusive new map. Players will be able to take part in the infamous succession wars on this exclusive map based on the original Might & Magic world of Enroth.

As per the announcement, these new offerings should be available through major digital retail outlets come September 27th.
