Forged For War

by on 31st Aug 2012

Mechanized unrest to remake history with Ironclad Tactics. It's useless to deny it - we've always dreamt of achieving ultimate power by commanding hordes of faithful, unwavering robot minions, but that's not the sole reason why this upcoming game by Zachtronics Industries deserves your attention.

To reveal their machinations:

Ironclad Tactics is a real-time, card-based tactics game set in an alternate history Civil War - with steam-powered military robots! Follow the adventures of Maxwell Prosser and Joseph Ashdown as they are thrust into the war as engineers for the Bureau of Steam Engineering.


• A unique gameplay experience, blending the precision of tactics and card games with the spontaneous decision making of a real-time strategy game.
• A story-based campaign, told through an 80 page in-game graphic novel, that can be played alone or cooperatively.
• Over 80 unique cards, unlocked through the main campaign, that can be used to create your own decks for both the campaign and multiplayer.
• A diverse set of multiplayer maps and modes, including Nemesis Mode, which allows you to play as enemies from the main campaign!

Set to stomp on the opposition by 2013.


Ironclad Tactics Video
