First Come The Fittest

by on 6th Sep 2012

Be superior in your arrival to Natural Selection II. Unknown Worlds Entertainment has announced that their resilient hybrid multiplayer FPS/RTS game has finally matured to pre-order status.

Here's word from the developers:

This day is one we have looked forward to for many years, and marks a major milestone in the development of this game. We are also happy to announce a release month: October. As we clear some final hurdles over the next few weeks, we will nail that down to a specific day.

Those who pre-order will get the Steam-exclusive Deluxe Edition's extras while paying the price of the Standard Edition only.

The extras:

• NS2 Official Soundtrack (almost 1 hour of music)
• Digital Art Book (40 pages)
• Exclusive wallpapers and avatars
• Exclusive new in-game marine armor

With some 40000 players involved in the closed beta it's pretty safe to say they've tested it thoroughly, meaning what is to come out is likely a true product of successful evolution.
