A Flash Of Crimson

by on 25th Sep 2013

You're about to take point. Not in close quarters battle but by virtue of your ability to lead and  oversee a vast array of forces across the battlefield in the challenging upcoming turn-based strategy game Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm.

About the game:

From your battalion, regimental or brigade headquarters you will lead the men of the most powerful militaries on the globe at this time, two steps removed from the forward edge of battle. Direct the combined-arms battle across the breadth of a battlefield with day/night cycles and weather effects. Compete with the AI or other players around the world through Play-By-Email or direct connection. Reach into the enemy's depth with air, artillery, chemicals and tactical nuclear weapons. Blow bridges to delay or span rivers with the help of the combat engineers to open a new thrust axis. Seize and maintain the initiative through a unique comparative simulation of the organized chaos inside NATO and Warsaw Pact tactical headquarters.

Some of the flashy key features:

• Includes 20+ Scenarios featuring the three NATO forces versus the Soviets.
• Two Campaign games where you manage your core force through a number of battles.
• A crafty AI opponent looking to achieve its mission goals or deny you yours.
• You get 20+ game maps based on real world terrain of Central Europe.
• Variable length turns based on current Command, Control and Communication state (C3) of forces. Unit losses and the level of electronic warfare impact you and your enemys C3 state.
• A new and refined combat engine taking into account many factors with weather, sensors, terrain, and troop capability factored in.
• Detailed information before, during and after a scenario to keep you informed and aware of the state of your forces.
• Platforms and weapons from the decade of the 80s for US, UK, West German and Soviet forces including aircraft (various types and loadouts), helicopters (various types and loadouts), tanks, APCs, Self-Propelled Systems (Gun, Anti-tank, Flak, and SAMs), towed guns, trucks ,jeeps, and of course the grunts with their vast array of weapons.

Additional intel can be found at the game's dedicated site here.

To reach condition red on the 8th of October, when it will be unleashed upon the world.
