Unite And Conquer

by on 7th Feb 2014

Strength in unity lies. This is something history has shown time and again, namely in the form of some very mighty civilizations, often spearheaded by, uh, colourful individuals like Genghis Khan. Well, in a futuristic way, you'll soon be in a position to dare attempt a similar feat of unification, in Arcen Games' upcoming The Last Federation.

The Last Federation is a really unique game in that it is a strategy/tactics game set inside a simulation game.

(...) a space-based mix of strategy and tactics in which you control a small mercenary fleet on an unusual mission (...) Undertake mercenary contracts, fight pirates, customize ships, research technologies, and use your growing bargaining power to strong-arm planetary governments into doing your will. Battles are quick and vicious, and, like our previous release Bionic Dues, the game is easy to pick up and play in quick bursts. Yours is a very personal mission: not even your own crew knows your true intentions.

(...) a solar system teeming with eight alien races of various dispositions.

Your goal is to unify the survivors into a solar federation that will bring peace. Doing so requires a lot of mercenary contracts, a lot of political deals and backstabbing, and occasionally strapping rockets to a moon.

Further details can be gleaned by consulting the IndieDB page dedicated to this offering.

The game is currently in alpha but making good progress and though no final release date has yet been announced launch is reportedly not that far off.


