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About Quantifier

  • Birthday 06/19/1986

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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. I changed the invisible floor to be also a "No Floor" (byte 32), it allows door to be properly opened from inside, and makes unit fall through to stand on the actual ramp on level 0. It still doesn't fix opening door from the outside. I thought TFTD fixed this, I remembered there were doors at the top of stairs. But no, never directly adjacent - there's always a floor tile.
  2. I recently patched xcom with the combo patch, then added my further modifications, and started a new game. I think Lightning is a tiny bit overdone. The outer walls in MCD have BigWall bit set now, and also the first leg has it too. That's exactly the kind of data error in the original game that these patches aim to fix I also wonder, is there a reason why all four invisible pillars have separate entry in pck? I changed it to reuse just one. Another thing broken in original game, but not fixed by patch, is Skyranger - it uses really weird LOS templates in the nose section. I use them fixed with no line of fire possible.
  3. If your GEOSCAPE.EXE is 382957 bytes long (I believe this is true for v1.4), then change byte at offset +0x175BC from 0x3C (60) to 0x40 (64). This makes IGLOB.DAT have correct length. I can double-check this at home in the evening.
  4. This is not the only problem with mountainous terrain, also there are three wooden trunks (entries 71, 72 & 73), which in original version have incorrect "damaged tile" property (71->73, 72->74, 73->75). This needs to be bumped by one too. Maybe you could update your fix? I have ready file, if there's need.
  5. The CE version uses different indexing for footsteps, which is interpreted straight forward as index into the .CAT file. However, DOS version does some magic, and behaves in the way described in the table. Try using value 7 again, but this time in DOS, you'll hear proper footsteps in the snow. I'm afraid the fix for polar terrain will be platform dependent.
  6. There is Żywiec beer, top one of standard factory line produced beers, nothing bad actually. Also you may want to try Okocim Zagłoba, it has normal alcohol contents, but is brewed from more malt which gives little more taste.
  7. Happy birthday NKF! Although I haven't visited these fora since long time ago, and even dismantled old pc I kept around for playing X-Com, I am no less proud to share day of birth with person like you.
  8. Thanks! I have no choice but to live with this brand new shiny front digit
  9. Yesterday I witnessed some illogically ordered checks and events in single geoscape loop. I ordered an Interceptor to attack an UFO. Exactly the moment when my plane catched alien ship, they decided to land. When dogfight window appeared, on the globe there was already a green 'x'. Then, the UFO has outrunned my interception! Alien racer?
  10. You're right Zombie. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention on the physics lecture, or maybe the lecturer was just wrong. But he did say that. Or something like that... :-)
  11. Speaking of microwave ovens, it is possible to overheat water past 100°C before it actually starts boiling. It's unknown yet how it happens.
  12. Moths (Beaver and Steve readers will know why)
  13. I'd like to test it, is there a way to replicate the wrong-way turn? If yes, how? And yes, straight movement is 4 TU per tile, diagonal is 6 per tile.
  14. Are you sure the turning took TUs? Because I know that when soldier turns to direction you order him to move, he doesn't use TU for that, but I'm not sure about turning the other way (more than 180°). I don't remember it ever happening. On the other hand: soldier does spend TU to turn to direction he's ordered to shoot.
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