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  1. Alchemist


    Hmm. I've got some experience with palettes during my attepts to write a X-Com style DOS GUI for the abandoned batch multiplayer project. I can add that game uses so called BIOS formatted palette where all colour components are 6-bit length and this fact limits maximal value to 0x63. Old videocards had such a limit. But if you want to get an effective 8-bit component value, it should be calculated this way: actualColour = paletteColour<<2; In the terms of C language of course. Buffers, you mentioned, are most probably a palette specific indexes for the colour cycling. Lifts at the Alien base and ships make intensive use of this video effect. Palette register values are beeing changed instead of the pixel itself and we see neat wavy glow. This is an unapprooved guess which must bee checked. Other possibility is that these values define replaced portions of the master palette. Concerning detection of the partialy replaced palette portions at the battle screens like the one shown above, I believe the most simple way is a screen capture. It should be made on differnt screen of DOS X-Com via Game Wizard or similar DOS4G(W) aware utility. Palettes of the resulting pictures could be easily compared. I hope this will help you a little.
  2. Thank you very much. I have included the file into WE-combo-r2 and updated the link at the http://fire.prohosting.com/alcemicu page.
  3. Oops. Wrong file. Actually I need <...>\UFO Aftermath\Localization\launcher.vfs.
  4. Of course I do. I've got Russian launcher.vfs as well. It would be nice to get complete language resources.
  5. Just as I thout. Anyway, it looks like nobody except myself was able to download anything by links I've posted first. Noticed that too late.
  6. Looks like my free russian host is down... I've uploaded a copy of the plug-in to http://fire.prohosting.com/alcemicu. If anybody is still interested, grab it from there.
  7. Alrigth then. I come here from time to time, but usually don't have something important to say. Here goes vocepack guideline. First. Extract from gamedata.vfs all files matching criteria share\sound\wavs\exclamations\*.wav. Second. Make new blank VFS container an call it voices.vfs. Third. Add share directory we got at step one into this VFS. Fourth. Drop resulting 50-60Mb file into corresponding directory under plugins\locale. You can check the name needed using descript.ion file found there. Fivth. Apply plugn. Done. Custom fonts for specific localization could be added in the same way. VFS should be named fonts.vfs and the files inside of gamedata.vfs will be share\textures\fonts\*.tga and share\configs\fonts\*.txt. File request. If anybody own other then english version of the game, I'd like to recieve your launcher.vfs file. Plugin itself can handle it already but I don't have other launcher localizations.
  8. Muzzle power depends on barrel parameters as well (impermeability and inner diameter for example) so it is not so impossible. Note also that "damage" in UFO:AM is calculated as a totaly physics unaware integral charateristic which include own precision of the weapon. And this precision could be defferent enough.
  9. P.S. Owners of the official Russian v1.2a and any offical Spanish versions shouldn't bother donwloading this plugin. It will not work with StarForce protected localization encoded versions of the game. You should either get somewhere one of the English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish version or use some "unoffical" patch for your game. Contact me if you'll decide to get the last. I made one. :xmas: By the same reason Spanish localization resources are listed but not included in packages.
  10. Hello all. Long time not seen. I have finished (at a crawling speed ) new AlPine plugin which allows to switch between several localizations. Something similar to old X-Com's language selection. But in this case you can start gane with one language, continue with second and finish with some other. Plugin even can switch unit voice packs if any installed. Grab the plugin here: LocaleManager-r1.0.zip Inside of the ZIP resides ALP file which you actally need. Plugin is useless without locale resources. So get them here for ENG, FRA, GER and ITA: Locale-WE-combo-v1.3.zip Here for CZH, HUN and POL: Locale-EE-combo-v1.3.zip And here for RUS (partially fanmade still unfinished): Locale-RU-v1.3-r0.81.zip Warning! In some countries attempt to download or use theese resources, if you don't own the correspondinly localized game itself, could be considered copyright violation! Note also that links are not direct. If you use some download manager, first open link in the browser with enabled scripting and only there get proper link near words "Click here to dowload...". This dumb hosting is located somewhere in Russia and sometimes throws up 404 error.
  11. I had not stored patch scripts for v1.1 and v1.2 but have list of files to be changed. Here it goes, for v1.1a: share\textures\fonts\nakamura_8.tga strategic\models\intreface\ufopedia\bg_comment.txt strategic\models\intreface\ufopedia\comm_sel.txt strategic\models\intreface\ufopedia\sb_tree.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\baselostdlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\developmentcompleteddlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\equipdlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\eventdlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\missionresolveddlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\newbasedlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\newmissiondlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\newresearchdlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\newresourcesdlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\newufodlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\raddlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\researchcompleteddlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\dialog\ufoengageddlgwnd.txt strategic\configs\intreface\equipment\newequipmentwnd - st.txt strategic\configs\intreface\geosphere\geospheremainwnd - st.txt strategic\configs\intreface\main\loadprogresswnd.txt tactical\configs\intreface\dialog\debriefing.txt tactical\configs\game\listofenemy.txt tactical\configs\game\listofmagazine.txt tactical\configs\game\listofweapon.txt tactical\configs\intreface\newmaintacticalwnd.txt And for v1.2: strategic\configs\interface\main\profile_st.txt strategic\models\interface\equipment\hintsmall.txt strategic\textures\interface\equipment\anim\help\help.anim strategic\textures\interface\equipment\anim\help\help_04.tga strategic\textures\interface\equipment\anim\help\help_05.tga tactical\configs\game\listofarmor.txt tactical\configs\game\listofcreature.txt tactical\configs\game\listofenemy.txt tactical\configs\game\listofmagazine.txt tactical\configs\game\listoftimes.txt tactical\configs\game\listofweapon.txt tactical\configs\interface\dialog\debriefing.txt tactical\configs\interface\equipment\newtactequipwnd.txt tactical\particles\special fx\area_smoke_1x1.pcfg tactical\particles\special fx_group\area_smoke_1x1.pgrp tactical\models\units\mutants\turnip.txt tactical\models\weapons\x_s-plzse_3d.txt tactical\textures\symbols\new\healthbary.tga tactical\textures\symbols\unselect.tga tactical\ublocks\tutorial\tutorial2.ublck All listings are correct for English version. Localized version of the game could have some more differencies, but them should not affect gameplay and are not very important to us.
  12. Patch v1.3 application script (english version): YGAMMA COMPRESS file1 "tactical/anims/rc4_unit_anim_pack.txt" "3dbb89c6663edc5cc23beb9e05762cfa" UPDATE COMPRESS file2 "tactical/configs/game/listofanim_hum.txt" "b9e43c223c46e54f5eebe0dc8540a023" UPDATE COMPRESS file3 "tactical/configs/game/listoftimes.txt" "b2b713f39761dee4efc33e31a77630d8" UPDATE COMPRESS file4 "tactical/configs/game/listofcreature.txt" "e877aede45a51775effe9dab95cf8bb5" UPDATE COMPRESS file5 "tactical/configs/game/listofweapon.txt" "2b2f412d772c999798fda070f42132a9" ADD file6 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/blare1.wav" ADD file7 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/blare2.wav" ADD file8 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Crab-A.wav" ADD file9 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Dog-A.wav" ADD file10 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/fish-A.wav" ADD file11 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Fly-A.wav" ADD file12 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/growl.wav" ADD file13 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/growl2.wav" ADD file14 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/growl3.wav" ADD file15 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/growl4.wav" ADD file16 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/growl5.wav" ADD file17 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/growl6.wav" ADD file18 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/lamentation.wav" ADD file19 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/lamentation2.wav" ADD file20 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Larva-A.wav" ADD file21 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Rattle.wav" ADD file22 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Rostya-A.wav" ADD file23 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/scream+growl.wav" ADD file24 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/scream.wav" ADD file25 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/scream2.wav" ADD file26 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/scream3.wav" ADD file27 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/scream4.wav" ADD file28 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/scream5-3x.wav" ADD file29 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Smoke.wav" ADD file30 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/Swarm-A.wav" ADD file31 "share/sound/wavs/mutants/United.wav" UPDATE COMPRESS file32 "strategic\configs\interface\dialog\debugcreatemissionwnd.txt" "5acbbde062d93fbbc7c2e8c9556e3227" Only listed here files from gamedata.vfs are beeng changed. So it looks like EXE digging is still requied.
  13. Made a complete version much quicker then expected. Grab it here Geomarks(CraftColour)-1.0.zip. This version is compatible with Chinook mod by Boks and potentialy some other unreleased yet. But make sure that you have applied Chinook mod before Geomarks an note that in this case plugin applies very very slowly. I think last glitch happens because of eight changeline() calls.
  14. Thanks, Aralez. Looks like that dumb host corrupts downloads with unknown to it mime type. Try this link instead. ALP file is incapsulated in ZIP archive. Should work properly.
  15. If you have localized version 1.2a from 1C then it is a real problem. Because all localization data are packed into gamedata.vfs in an incompatible way. May be Fulby could add support for this version but, I think he will never get one to experiment.
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