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Dealing with Destroyers


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Dealing with Destroyers


I having a problem dealing with these walking terminators I’ve just come across

Since the aliens see further than me I usually get shot first and their ion either kills or cripples the target

While there is some cover in the game letting me hide and seek ,pop out shoot and duck back

tree clumps are usually useless


Killing them is also a bit of a problem. While flame rockets do work these are not the perfect weapons being slow and cumbersome. Heavy laser do work but if I don’t kill in the 3 auto shot, usually they will shot back and kill or cripple me.Plasma cannon though expensive do have the benefit of killing in one shot.


I have not got the chance to get ion yet by getting a commander though I am planning on it

I could change the alien vs my sight range but that’s cheating a bit.

I am glad Bman mod adds a virtual Hyper-wave Decoder

Having my troopers equipped plasma cannons to deal with basic alien cause there might be destroyers was just silly


Tactics hit or tips to deal ?


p.s. i just found the portable teleporter in my last mission. Combine with stun rod lots of fun

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Destroyers are weak vs chemical attacks. I would suggest you to use grenades as they are lighter and easier to deploy than rockets.


In general, grenades are very useful, even essential later in the game, as later enemies are usually very resistant to mechanical damage.

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