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Okay okay. Sorry FA, I've been too busy banging my head against Apoc to get back into HoI2 JUST yet.


But while I've been struggling to not fail quite so spectuarly (that is, not abuse saves quite as much :P), I realized something that I can't really figure out why... or rather, why NOT.


I've been struggling cash-flow wise lately; more than enough to pay the bills and keep the troops supplied, but I can't really afford to replace hardly any of my aircraft(Lost a hovercar AND an interceptor. Got a transporter though, so tis worth it). A good deal of this is because I don't have shields yet, so the crafts are kind of a sucide run. Just been letting the UFOs drop their aliens and moving right in after them.


However my memory was jolted eariler today when I was reading FA's AAR... While Apoc lets you get certain things from downed UFOs for research (the ufo itself, propulsion, nav, etc), they are ONLY for research. Once you've brought one back, you don't really get anything from a UFO mission other than tactical equip(okay and aliens to capture shush).

I know Apoc doesn't have Elerium-using UFOs, or Alien-Alloys; but surely SOMEONE out there would be interested in buying up the wreckage of the downed UFOs and their guts after X-COM has done their research.



So I've got kind of a stupid question but I'm real curious so I'll ask anyway: Does anyone know if it would be possible to try to modify the game such that you can sell the various UFO components for some amount of cash? Or would that require such massive amounts of hacking that I should be shot for even suggesting the idea? :)

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As it is, the Devestator Cannon/Telporter/Boomeroid economy kind of keeps the coffers nice and healthy most of the time. But yeah, where does all that mass go and why can't the bits and pieces be useful or at least turn in a profit of some sort?


The only collectables you get from the UFOs that are worth anything are exactly one craft weapon that they specialize in, and (when available) one shield (type varies by size). There's also the occasional cloaking device on the escorts and the teleporters later on. Except for the latter two items, the guns and shields are items you normally want to use right away or stock up on to free up the engineers to work on other projects. Worthy prizes all the same.


As for the rest of it, since the UFOs are just oversized mushrooms, I don't suppose there's much of a market for the charred biomass that's left over. Perhaps whatever profit is made is sucked in by the disposal costs - sell edible bits to Nutrivend, use profits to pay Evonet for disposal of the inedible bits into the recyclotoriums. :P



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