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Return to older game bug


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So I'm playing TFTD, and I get a bug: I'll be in the Geoscape, and then the game switches to the Battlescape, with the position being the last one in the MISSDAT directory.


This problem was mentioned at the bottom of the page https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Saved_Game_Files


Alas, no solution is suggested. I'm currently going back to an older saved game, but it just keeps happening.


It happens with both TERROR and RUNXCOM.

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If the GeoScape keeps crashing at a particular time, it's usually because of some weirdness in what some craft (either one of your ships or one of the UFOs) is trying to do. For example, a UFO might want to attack a base that doesn't exist, or some such thing.


You could try sticking a save game on MediaFire then linking it here, so that someone could take a look at it...

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So I'm playing TFTD, and I get a bug: I'll be in the Geoscape, and then the game switches to the Battlescape, with the position being the last one in the MISSDAT directory.


This problem was mentioned at the bottom of the page https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Saved_Game_Files


Alas, no solution is suggested. I'm currently going back to an older saved game, but it just keeps happening.


It happens with both TERROR and RUNXCOM.


Restart your computer and try again. It's usually what I do when that starts to happen. If it still occurs when you reload your game then most likely the save game file is corrupt. Try resaving it but if it doesn't work you'll need to restart your game or load a different saved game.

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Thanks for the prompt replies.


I would love to have my files looked at by another. I never previously used MediaFire, but the URL seems to be https://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=87eae07...b20786b9a6e1ed0


I'd read that this was caused by a corrupt saved file. I was hoping the file could be changed manually. Restarting doesn't work. I've had this problem a loooooooooooong time and have often tried things after a clean start.


When it happens, I go back to an older game, but I have another bug which slows everything to a trickle so this is quite painful. Restarting the game would be even more painful, but that may be my only option.


Speaking of UFOs attacking a base that doesn't exist, I had that one but it isn't the cause here.

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