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Egypt UFO Encounter


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I'm wondering if the PK that stands right in front of the tent is capturable? I tried killing the pilot but he barely gets any damage inside his PK in contrast to the others that easily die to beams or my trusted K98 silenced. I can't make him bleed and he even regenerates health thanks to his PK chassis. :)


I've only seen enemy pilots leave their PKs in the Base defense mission, is there a special way to trigger that behavior or some other way to get the pilot out of his PK?

Also, I heard rumours that it's possible to instakill PK pilots, what weapon would one need for that? Not even beam weapons seem to suffice.

edit: seems like it's possible to render an enemy pilot unconscious via melee weapons, I'll try that

I usually go barehanded but that didn't work maybe a club or a katana does the trick :)


edit2: no, melee weapons only work vs PKs in S2 and they don't knock unconscious but hurt like ballistic weapons

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If memory serves, yes. You have to kill the pilot though, and since he regenerates you need a "death" critical or use a weapon that will hurt him a lot, but the suit only a little. Translation: You need to keep shooting him in the head and hope for a kill shot (try using a ray weapon), or use a mine or grenade with very high penetration so it will kill him without destroying the suit.
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