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UFO seen on Mars


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i need a beer

Can't argue with that ;)


*pops open a cold one and hands it to Monkeylord*


Back to the original post.. It was probably a Sectoid commuter jet, full of grays heading home from a recent vacation on earth.


:) Now aproching our final destination, please make shure your tray tables and seat backs are in the full upright and locked position...... Sir i need to ask you to put your mutilated cow parts fully under the seat infrount of you. thank you.


-Blade FireLight

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Thats the one ultimate way to end an argument.

*fetches beer too*


And my advise to some people around here (including myself) is not to take some things to seriously.


edit: Had this adress as a link in this post, but the site blocks linking specific images.


copy&paste this one in your search bar when you want to see what happened while the probe observed the skies...



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i don't believe the human race will ever evolve again we sort of evolve ourselves if you haven't noticed, its obvious. whens the last time you seen a deer wearing warm weather gear? or driving home from work....

I couldn't resist this related quote which I tripped over again yesterday.

It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much -- the wheel, New York, wars and so on -- whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man -- for precisely the same reasons.


which I googled for and found here: Douglas Adams Quotes


And to expand the discussion:

A lot of work has been done regarding spontaneous reactions that produce amino acids, and lately the "black smoker" mineral vents on the ocean floor are looking like a nice place for early life to have arisen as well. Some of that life today is very weird.


And sure it may be easier to conceive of life on other planets - what kind of life would evolve in space, though? Or orbiting a sun on its own?

Space whales?



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hum....space whales...dunno if they can evolve. but I think if mankind lasts long enuogh they will be created....


It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, dolphin had always assumed that he was more intelligent than humans because he had achieved so much -- hanging out in the water and having a good day and so on -- whilst all the humans had ever done was annoy each other and declare war on anything that moves. There was no change in that opinion even after the humans nearly killed all dolphins as part of the war, and genetically engineered the rest into space whales. Actually, today most space whales think that their dolphin ancestors underestimated the stupidity of mankind, as those offspring of apes that still think digital clocks are great didn't took the chance of mucking around while orbiting sun and having a good time for themselves. But conversely, the humans had always believed that they were far more intelligent than space whale -- for precisely the same reasons.


Maybe I should have stopped drinking beer around yesterday.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Reminds me of a guy a few years back who wrote a book saying that whales and dolphins were super-intelligent life in disguise that knew the answers to the universe and everything.


There is no doubt many forms of life out there, if the theory that we are amongst the first races to evolve in our universe isn't correct.


After all how can a race that has only been undergoing major developments over a period of 4000 years claim to know everything there is. Probably the reason why we don't meet any aliens, is because they think we are a large bunch of arrogant ignorant SOBs.

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What kind of life would exist without a planet to support it? Nothing much, I would imagine! Space is a horrible place to nurture any kind of life - intelligent or not. Unless the animal is encased in some sort of protective shield it would encounter radiation, heat, cold, meteors, and gravity near a solar system! Not to mention how would it move!


There probably was life on Mars at one time, because current evidence points to a salt water ocean. You heard the old cliche before : where there is water, there is life. I would expect this life to be unintelligent - like bacteria. Are there UFO's flying around on Mars? Don't get your hopes up! ;)

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This really is too complex to respond to properly but I will say one thing... Wibble...


But I digress... What makes everyone think that the only kind of life in the universe is human life that needs food, water, and oxygen? What are the prerequisites for primordial gunge? Any ideas anyone? I bet the predino ooze didn't give a damn if there was a different kind of pus on a nearby planet. So where does the human fascination come from? Personally I think it's just an attempt to find a higher level of presence. People want to be able to think they're insignificance is actually of some consequence in some way. Therefore we want UFOs to be watching and recording us. Even abducting and experimenting on humans at random! It's a cry for help from one tiny planet in an endless void of space...

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  • 3 years later...

This message may take some time to reach you as we've had to send via the booster transmitter from the star system you call Alpha Centauri, using radio transmission so that you can receive.


We saw your intergalactic probe today, it appears to have crashed on the Red planet you call Mars....would you like it back?

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It's not bad 'net etiquette. He sent the message four years ago, and it only recently arrived. (See his first sentence) We will need to wait until 2012 for his response now. (The world ends in that year, unfortunately. So likely the boosted transmission will rend Earth asunder. :D )


Oh yes, this topic that started a debate between Lonestar and me for over a couple years.


Unfortunately, in the end, Lonestar's argument about aliens (Which he claimed was based on "many years" of study) was mostly quotations of the Bible and how he believed aliens were demonic hallucinations. (I am not lying...) While also stating alien life was impossible due to a large number of improbabilities that only had to do with human life.


Though I suppose any life beyond human life is truly impossible if you buy into Creationism. Although it still strikes me as weird that a book written thousands of years ago, and then translated and re-translated into different languages, could be used for a scientific debate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That reminded me of Carl Sagan's "Contact". If God exists, he posits, alien cultures might likewise be looking for Her.


Creationism as literal truth? You can't take it seriously. Just because one tribal origin myth caught on doesn't make it any more or less true than the others. I like the Haida version myself. :)


Edit: I'll say no more here, this kinda talk should be in the Firing Line forum.

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