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UFO: Extraterrestrials Goes Mainstream

baby arm

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Chaos Concept's UFO: Extraterrestrials is getting some mainstream attention with a new preview at IGN.

One of the small ways that the game differentiates itself from X-COM is that the intercepts take place in real time right on the globe map. (The scale of X-COM required intercept battles to play out in a small radar window.) Here you'll actually see your ships and the enemy's firing missiles and cannons and beams at each other. Small explosions provide a nice bit of visual feedback on the battles, while simple health bars let you see just how close you or your enemy are to crashing.

In related news, Tri Synergy, the UFO: ET publisher, just confirmed that April 16th is the correct release date and sent along some new screenshots.


010_UFOET_2_27_07.jpg 011_UFOET_2_27_07.jpg 014_UFOET_2_27_07.jpg

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Seeing as this game is almost out, I figured I should check to see what the system requirements are. Our official interview lists the requirements as "Pentium 1.5GHz, 256MB RAM and a standard graphic accelerator with 64MB RAM as a minimum", but this way back in March of last year. Found this topic at the official UFO: ET forums (Nov 2006). The requirements are basically the same except the graphics RAM is 128 MB. A lot has happened since then, anybody know what the specific current requirements are? I'm looking for stats on free HD space, graphic cards supported etc, etc. (My circa Dell 2002 P4 notebook has 50% free HD space at 20GB and a pathetic Mobility Radeon 7500 graphics card). :bleh:


- Zombie

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Since all the links work for me, it must be the kind of problem other people have been having recently.

Possible solutions:


1) Clear out your Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, History etc.

2) If you're using Firefox, upgrade to the newest version,

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all the links in this news post are broken. there are quotes around the links and the base uri from strategycore.co.uk is not removed - they all end in 404


matt, the CMS we're using occasionalyl has it's funny moments and the odd news article doesn't display correctly on the main site news page.


Just in case anyone else was wondering, this one was broken before the forum upgrade and the CMS just seems to have something against it.


Oh well!

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